Saturday, August 26, 2006

hembusan angin malam.....

udah mau jem tujuh pagi..... entah kenapa bukan nya malah makin ngantuk gue malah makin seger........ :s

airimba... haehh... mo ngirim gmail aja nggak bisa :s janjinya sih mo dipasangin router baru... terus dikasih proteksi... janjinyaaa.... bakal lebih cepet mule sabtu (hari ini dong?) udah pick up password... tinggal tunggu tanggal maen nya...

besok gak ke callout deh... emang udah nggak pengen sih dari awal.... mengganggu jadwal tidur sajah.... nitip ajah ya satu kalo ada fresh(wo)man yg menarik... hehe... canda deee...

eniwei... salah satu percakapan di malam hari yg gak terlalu penting... tapi cukup bisa buat gue tersenyum lebar.... :D

Ivan - losing my mind... says:
gak ada yg bisa goblok2 an lagi.....
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
mgkn bknnya goblok2 an
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
kan klo goblok itu saling yah artinya
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
yah gw sih ga ngerasa gw goblok gimana......
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
canda jenggo
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
kalo goblok beneran... itu goblok
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
klo uda kejadian nyata yah, lo uda keringetan bgt tuh
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
tapi kalo goblok2 an... itu kaya goblok.. tapi gak goblok
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
jadi intinya...
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
ok deh
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
ayam itu ayam
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
ayam2 an... itu bukan ayam
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
ok ok
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
klo gt
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
"jenggo!! main goblok - goblok an yuk!!!"


good morning semua.... hoahhhmm...

Monday, August 21, 2006


net's back on track!! (still waiting Lodge's wireless to function properly though)
expect some updates soon... :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

'kerjaan' saya di kantor...

kalo di itung2.. mungkin udah ada kali 700+ conv bolak balik.. berhubung di kedua kantor msn sudah tidak diperbolehkan... heuheuheuheuheue....

ada yg mo ikutan? :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Will our soul trapped inside the power of fate?

First of all, this is not my opinion. Someone with the initial AAG requested me to translate her post, and I was willing to do it. The reason was that I found her writing interesting, and also to shape up my rusty English. So please do forgive me for any grammar or syntax mistakes found in the following translation ^_^ The original post can be read here

Alasan laen... kamera gue masih di cahya.. jadi blom bisa upload foto2 yg direquest saudara Kari.. huehuehuhe...

Will our soul trapped inside the power of fate?
The essence of my thoughts you're about to read today has not been influenced by another soul's
opinion. There must've many people thought about this matter already, but what you about to read
below was born from my own, honest opinion, staged by the night's dark, melancholic night.

Difficult. Was the word coming out of my mouth when I first read the question.
Silence. Was my spontaneous reaction before finally taking it deeper into my heart.
After taking some time to really absorb the essence of the question, my response was: 'Our soul is not incarnated with the power of fate'. First, I will interpret the true meaning of 'fate', according to my own, sincere opinion. Other people might disagree with this statement, but it shouldn't matter, since different people pursue different understandings.

Fate according to my interpretation may be described as the end of each of the series of events
happening from the individual's previous encounter, and not as the end of the whole scenario.
What's the difference, you asked? Take this example for a moment: French fries that was spilled while I was eating at McD. Was it fate or destiny, that I had to encounter such occurrence? The
answer is no, since such occurrence won't happened if I was a bit more careful during my action,
especially since such incidents were not rare in my past experience. (pengalaman pribadi lin?

This matter of opinion can also be elaborated to address the soulmate of an individual. My
definition of 'fate' includes series of steps that needs to be concluded before achieving the
real, final and definite 'fate'. Many people might disagree with this opinion. Allow me to
elaborate my understanding. Let's say that, hypothetically, I choose to end my relationship with my boyfriend tonight, (amit2 ya lin ^_^)I won't have the power to say that 'it is fate that ends
it all'. Why? Because the source of all the decision is that I was the one that made it so that
I'm not with him.

My interpretation of fate is different from from the definition of 'voice of the heart'. Some of
you might respond to my hypothetical situation by saying that because I chose to end my
relationship with my boyfriend, such situation concludes as my destiny. From my opinion, it was definitely not fate that ended my relationship with him, but a little voice from my heart was
the one that influence me to do such thing. I really believe that it was something that I hear
from God, being his decision to separate me from him, and not because of the work of fate.

This reminds me of someone's saying who believe that someone's soulmate is NOT in God's hand. (boy, this should be interesting ^_^) Again, let me explain this before proposing a judgement. Whenever a couple decided to put themselves in the holy matrimony, one of them needs to propose to the other person. This statement was clearly against the old saying that 'jodoh ga akan lari ke mana-mana' (soulmate will not hinder from you). I guess it's pretty obvious that the reason is that without proposal from one of the couple, there would not be such thing as marriage.

So, do you believe in Fate? or Do you believe in Magic?

by: AAG

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

renungan di malam yg ramai.. (komputer lab bo)

hm. sadar ga sih kalo ada lagu yg enak didengerin pelan2 -michael bubble, jamie cullum- sama ada lagu2 nya cman bisa enak kalo didengerin kenceng2 -banyak si yg ini- heuhee.. gak nap2 sih... lg kepikiran aja..

btw ini... kok ngupload foto langsung susah ya... failed terus.. padahal pake komp sekolah.. akhirnya pake cara nya Helen deh... hello. com heheheheh... thanks Len... :)

terus gue baru tau jg kalo foto di shrink bisa pixelated jg.. berhubung gue gak terlalu ngerti gmana editnya.. jadinya yg keliatan disini radaan fuzzy gituh.. aneh deh.. padahal gue buka di adobe segede2 dinosaurus gitu masi smooth2 aja....

mm.. masi perlu banyak belajar....

diliat2 yah.... :) di komen2... kritik2 jg... hohoho...

bisa maen beneran apa gaya doang neh...?

dah brapa bulan ca..? hauhau kasar bgt gue...

kar... gi mikirin paan karr....


a girl and her car and her balloon...^^