Monday, November 27, 2006

dari luar saja...

Di suatu malam, di Extended Stay American hotel - West Madison...

tiba-tiba terdengar suara..

If you want to be a Badger,
Just come along with me,
By the bright shining light,
By the light of the moon;
If you want to be a Badger,
Just come along with me,
By the bright shining light of the moon.

belum kelar sang pelantun lagu menyanyi.. tiba2 terlihat beberapa orang saling berlirikan... dan tiba2 terdengar..

Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
All Hail To Our Old Gold And Black!
Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
Our Friendship May She Never Lack.
Ever Grateful, Ever True,
Thus We Raise Our Song Anew; (Fire Up!)
Of The Days We've Spent With You,
All Hail Our Own Purdue!

Meredam suara sang pelantun 'If You Want to be a Badger' yg hanya bisa terdiam bengong tak berdaya...

heuheuehuhe.... ^^

Sunday, November 26, 2006

failure to finish

"Yakin nih gak mo ikut ke Purdue?"
"Nggak bisa, hari rabu gue ada exam"

- Jadi kalo nggak ada exam mau ikut? :p -

"The Boilermaker defense allowed 15 points and sophomore quarterback Curtis Painter threw two interceptions in the final six minutes, giving No. 25 Hawaii a 42-35 come-from-behind victory." -TheExponent-

Another failed comeback courtesy of our own Boilermakers :( Inability to finish close games really haunts this team. At least Painter's still a sophomore, giving him the 'still room for improvement' excuse.

Don't feel like writing much.
Overall, the demon from last year's thanksgiving wasn't fully exorcised, but I had a wonderful thanksgiving experience.

Started from the turkey dinner (with games courtesy of AAG), the Madison trip, late night card games, and USC beating Notre Dame.

Great. But not perfect.
Oh that's right.

Purdue 35 - Hawaii 42

Close, but to cigars.

"Sometimes it's good to invest your soul to something that you can't control"

It's not necessarily true, but it might be worth it in the case of Purdue football. You'll get an emotional joyride of your life. Need to be prepared for the broken heart though.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Better luck next year.... IU!

The bucket stays at Purdue!!! This game might not meant much for both of us, right? After all, both teams were unranked, and they play mediocre, if not terrible, football this year.


IU was 5-5 entering the game, and they needed to win to secure a Bowl bid. For those who unfamiliar with the term Bowl bid, that means post-season game. They have the rights to be selected (not guaranteed though) into one of the Bowl later at the end of year (or beginning of new year) with some prize money on the line. IU hasn't been to a Bowl game for God knows how long, and they're hoping to go this year.

Nice try, Loosiers!!!!!

The game was exciting in some way. Both teams committed turnovers a lot in the first half, it almost like a joke! Oh man, you just gotta be there.. it was a funfest.. the student sections were just having fun mocking IU and laughed their asses of as the result of some plays..

I screamed my heart out and almost lose my voice at the end of the game. The game wasn't pretty.. but it's football right? It's not supposed to be pretty.. there are no awards for 'style points' The most important fact is that we won the game, no matter how ugly it was..

Haha.. senior day, and my last game here for a while. I just can't help but thinking: 'Man, I'm so gonna miss this place.. the sight is just so beautiful' I have never felt closer to the student section before. I actually had some conversations with other students who're not my friends. We had a fun time mocking IU (BALL STATE'S BETTER!!! chant) and our own Curtis Painter (4 INT? WTF?) It was just a blast. A perfect ending to a not-so-perfect season.

But it's all worth it.
We denied IU's eligibility to a bowl game, and the bucket stays at Purdue, and we're goin bowlin this year!



Friday, November 17, 2006

Would you pay $24,000+ for PS3?

wow.. just wow..
and the auction's not not even done..
i'll post the winning auction later in the afternoon..

the ending bid was for $89,000,000.00
It came from a legitimate buyer with positive feedbacks..

The listing is not available anymore.. so I don't have any proof.. eBay or the original poster might have took it down... my assumption is that the bid was illegitimate...

it still sells for a lot tho... $5,000 - $10,000 a piece...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


mestinya bikin assignment.. tapi malas berat (ya jelas.. nongkrong depan tv gitu ya)

topik 1
besok saya ada interview sama US Bank. posisinya Strategic Marketing Analyst. kenapa saya bisa dapet? tak tau jg.. apakah saya bisa dapet? kita lihat saja.. hauhaua... basically ini mungkin interview trakhir gue on campus... udah nggak ada lg postingan di career center.. so I'm basically on my own after tomorrow.. heuhe.. tepat sebulan lagi neh sekolah.. it's officially gonna be the last days of my college life.. gak niat phd saya hahaha... (coming up: suka dan duka di purdue.. tapi ntar2 banget ya)

topik 2
salah satu goal gue semester ini gagal.. yaitu mo foto fountain.. jdnya foto pake shutter lambat... ntar gambarnya bisa bagussss banget.. kaya kapas gitu aernya.. tapi skarang udah dingin.. fountain dimana mana dimatiin.. lagi pengen experiment sama black & white.. tapi akhir2 cuaca amat sangat tidak bersahabat... mendung sepanjang hari!!!! jadi untuk sementara ngga ada foto2 dulu....

topik 3
hari sabtu.. Purdue vs IU. IU sucks!!! hauhauha... maap ye Lenn... =p game football trakhir nih... senior days... huhuhu... kangen deh ntar... :( nothing beat football saturdays in the autumn.. this is probably the most thing I'm gonna miss after I moved outta here... huhh.. moga2 menang deh... gak seru banget kalo game trakhir kalah.. bah..

topik 4

kmaren maen2 ke walmart.. ngeliat ps3 di display... mannn, it was definitely a beauty! sori yee... nerd alert. ahahha.... sampe ngeces kmaren gue di kaca display nya (gak dengg. jorok banget :s) $600 bucks tho... people are lining up in front of stores days ahead just just to get one.. gue berani jamin more than 90% who bought the system are not going to use it at home.. most of the systems are just gonna end up in ebay with abnormal prices... kmaren gue liat bid di ebay yg ngejual ps3 for $3500!!!! ok management people... that's almost 500% profit!!!!!! geez.. talking bout shortage.. ada ya yg mau beli system game 35 juta rupiah!!! halah halah.. kaya gini kok bisa ngeluh krisis ekonomi.... bah.. (sirik... biasa.... heueuhee)

topik 5
black in black friday has a new meaning for me.. i'm not going to rant what it's about, it's gonna be too long and painful to read.. let's just say that i despise black friday.. ga ada bangun2 subuh lagi buat shopping.. di tengah2 blizzard.. (kecuali kalo nitipp... soal beda itu hauahuahuha) benernya gue lagi butuh sesuatu sih.. gps.. they're gonna sell garmin c340 for $350 at circuit city... that's pretty cheap... jadi berharap saja demand buat gps ngga terlalu gede.. dan circuit city overstocked on that item... jadi gue bisa dapet tanpa mesti bangun pagi.. atoo.. nitip temen aja ahhhhhhhh... hauhauha... sapa sapa mo pegi? ^^

topik 6
lagi mo jual2 barang di ebay...
1. sepatu - ada yg mo beli gak ya? masi bagus gitu.. pake di indoor doang.. en sama sekali gak keliatan used..
2. lcd monitor - ada dua...
3. tripod - lebih satu..
4. game: final fantasy 7 buat pc
gak terlalu masalah sih harganya brapa.. cman pengen sedikit clear inventory aja.. sama nambah2 in rating di ebay.. gue baru sadar gue bisa nge save banyak banget dengan aktif di ebay.. hehehe... mental gue kadang kaya mental engko2 glodok ni.. jarang mo bayar kalo gak dapet harga murah... jadi pas dapet rasanya puassssss banget.. heuheue...

hm.. buat penutup saya kasih satu foto random ya.. sebentar2 cek dulu di memory card..

hmm.. gak ada yg menarik.. jadi ini dari kameranya gibot..

Monday, November 13, 2006

random topics...

lagi pengen nulis neh... haha... iseng2 aja dah lama nggak.... and I'll probably switch from english to indo in no specific manner.. tergantung apa yg kepikiran di otak aja... hehe...

topik 1:
I'm still pissed that ESPN decided not to show the Purdue - Hawaii game @ the 25th.. It's not like that we can attend the game without spending $600 for airfare and another $600 for accommodations. (gue research loh haha...) How cool is it to spend thanksgiving break at Hawaii? Imagine all your friends stuck at home doing projects, stuck in a blizzard and decided to go to Best Buy/ Circuit City early in the morning just to find out that they run out of everything.

Unfortunately, I might be one of those guys stuck in the blizzard this year. Still contemplating if I should join the mob at Best Buy/ Circuit City (Madison / West Laf? =p) Most probably I'm just gonna stay at home though. Man, I need a GPS badly, but I'll probably just gonna buy it at retail price. I'm officially DONE with black fridays.

topik 2
PS3 is finally released at Japan. check out to witness the craziness. Some guidance though:
1. Buy PS3 if you really like advance technological stuff. I really believe that it's gonna worth your time. I'm gonna buy it for Final Fantasy XIII :)
2. Buy Nintendo Wii if you're looking for a chick-magnet stuff. Remember GameCube with Mario Kart, Mario Party and Mario Tennis? Nuff' said.
3. I personally hate Xbox, so Xbox 360 never came into my mind. Microsoft's rich already. Besides, it focuses mostly on American games (Xbox is american) which is first person shooting games and free-roam games like GTA. Not my type...

I'll probably wait until the price of PS3 GREATLY reduced before buying. Gak turun2? ya gak beli....

You might want to consider Wii too... it's not ordinary console. Males ngejelasin.. liat disini aja ya.. The most interesting is that you might be able to do some physical exercise while playing this game.. Tertarik?

topik 3:
I'm in graduate school and I'm playing with LEGOs. How cool is that? Kelas gue yg Manufacturing Control and Manufacturing Planning kerjaan nya ya gitu. Ceritanya kita simulate factory. LEGO blocks nya itu materials. terus kita mesti buat suatu barang (which is lego blocks stacked) terus di test (ngetes nya pake 12 sided dice). The process includes assembling, processing (oven boongan gt... di timer) testing and scrapping (kalo dadu nya keluar 12, kita buang) 92% service level... not that good.. hehe..

Seru banget tapi... serunya soalnya mesti mikir berat gimana caranya nyiapin material sebelon mule production. The thing is, you can't just order unlimited amount of materials, since we got charged for unused inventory. Tapi kalo order nya terlalu sedikit, we wouldn't be able to satisfy demand, and we 'lose' money in this manner as well. tricky tricky..

Awal2 sih decide nya pake rumus... tapi terakhir2 kita malah decide intuitively hehe... gue jd inget pas intern di CST/Berger. gue sempet ngobrol2 sama production manager nya (which is a Krannert MBA graduate btw) terus gue dijelasin gmana cara mereka ngatur production. Basically they just tried a method that looks logical, and adjust the methods as the factory runs. Surprisingly, this method has worked pretty well.... (hey, they're still in business... that's pretty good right?)

topik 4
ini ada hubungan nya sama topik ke 3. kmaren di ada yg tanya ke gue -uhuk- jessica -uhuk- "elu kalo cari kerjaan ke perusahaan IE ato EE?" pas gue jawab: IE dia tanya lagi "loh.. company2 apa mau... kan elu IE nya cman master doang.. kenapa mereka nggak ngambil yg bachelor nya IE, terus master nya IE jg..." gue jawab: what's done is done.. haha.. nggak deng... jawaban gue adalah..... dalam 1.5 taon gue master di IE tuh gue udah belajar jaoh lebih banyak hal yg berguna dari 4 taon gue sekolah di EE. bukan nya gue jelek2 in EE, tapi emang fungsi dari kelas2 IE tuh bener2 applicable banget di real world. DASAR2 dari kelas2 ini lah yg diajarin di bachelor IE....

jd apa hubungan nya sama topik ke-3? ya udah keliatan kali ya... apa yg gue belajarin di kelas maenan LEGO itu bener2 dipake di CST/Berger, tempat company gue intern waktu itu........ emang sih.. kelas2 yg gue ambil itu kelas MBA semua... ada yg mirip di kelas2 IE.. tapi gue males ambil soalnya terlalu technical.. basically sama tapi tujuan nya...

Ini yg ngebuat yakin banget... misal nanti company gue bersedia sponsorin gue buat MBA, ato at least gue udah punya dana buat bayar sendiri... gue ambil tu gelar..

topik 5:
back to Purdue football... I just found out that Andy (Andy Tjo, bukan AndyJess) is gonna be back at Indy sometimes next year. I'm gonna ask him to buy us tickets for the Purdue - Notre Dame game next year!!!! =p huhu...

I'm so glad that we beat Illinois last week... ahh man.. we needed that so bad.. I hate Illinois.. I hate Chicago Bears.. I hate them for the same reason I hate IU and Notre Dame football...

Illinois doesn't deserve to have a football team. They even lost to I-AA team, and they're winless in Big Ten for god knows how long... they should've just disbanded the team for good...

Bears... senga2 banget orang nya... If you lose against the lowly Dolphins, and barely survived against Cardinals, you have no right to brag about ANYTHING!!! beat Colts and let's talk football....

topik... keberapa ya?
Wisconsin Badgers: being good at the wrong time. (~vodka jangan ge-er!!!!) It's a shame that BCS won't allow three teams from the same division in the BCS bowls. At this rate, Michigan and Ohio St wil represent the Big Ten in the BCS bowls, and Wisconsin have to settle for Capital One bowl (which is still pretty good). If it turns out that there are going to be a rematch of Ohio st vs Michigan in the National Championship, then the Badgers are definitely going to Rose Bowl, Pasadena!!! LA baby!!! gue ntn ah kalo Badgers beneran maen disana.. heuheuhe...... =p

I really believe that Wisconsin deserves to share the 3rd spot with USC. Yes, they're that good... even their backup QB is good.... :s Have you seen the size of P.J. Hill? masi freshman aja gede banget... gmana ntar senior.. huhuhu.....

Btw, the Purdue Wisconsin rivalry would have to be postponed until 2009. We don't meet again until then. Lucky Wisconsin.... hahaa canda deh linn... gile udah kalah masihh aja bisa nge-boast... =p

topik selanjutnya
bentar lagi lulus... couple interviews... couple of rejections... still no offers... apa gue cabut ke LA aja ya? gmana kawan2? ada saran?

kalo jawabnnya iya... mendingan gue cabut langsung kesana ato liat2 dulu cari tempat tinggal? terus mendingan gue naek pesawat apa setir? hauhauhauha... pusing nih gue... gmana ya... :s

udah dulu kali ye... kayanya mayan panjang jg gue nulis... behh.... gila2 an... dingin banget sih ya skarang...

ya dah saya mo ngapa2 in dulu..
stay warm guys..

Friday, November 03, 2006

nasi kuning + ayam panggang ^^

speaking of being realistic...

akhirnya kesampean jg buat nasi kuning sama ayam panggang... enak loh!! ^^


another broken season

Almost everyone will agree to this. Supporting a losing team is so much harder than a winning team. Especially when the team has big expectations riding on their back in the beginning of the season.

I think it's fairly safe to say that Purdue Boilermakers' football team is almost over. True, we might still be able to finish the season with a winning record and go to some medicre bowl at the end of the year. But, after last week 12-0 loss against Penn St, upcoming victories might not have much meaning. It was just horrible. I'm not going to post any pictures this week since, let's face it, there are NO worthy photos worth of display. I looked over the photos taken during the game, and it was just dreadful. Not the quality of the pictures, mind you, but you can almost feel the pain and agony that's facing this young football team.

As I walk through the gate after the game ends, I heard some students said that it was the worst game ever happening at the Ross Ade stadium. I couldn't agree more. 3 points in the last two matches? Guys, this is not soccer!!

The story is always the same.

2004: Purdue went to 5-0 then dropped the next 4 games. Some of my friends decided not to attend the next game, which is Ohio St (we won that game though, and it was quote nice since Ohio St was pretty good that year)

2005: Just plain horrible. Purdue finished 5-6. First losing season in 8 years (need to double check on this). Again, some chose not to attend, giving opportunities for some other people to go.

2006: Three of my friends decided not to show up for the Penn St game. Totally understandable. I mean, who can stand a losing team right? Especially after the beating by Wisconsin. I however, decided to go.

Then it occurs to my mind. Supporting a team is just the same as experiencing life. There's ups and downs. Some seasons have more ups than downs, and vice versa. Some people will experience it more at some period, and some people will not. Some people will experience glory at least once, some people will never during their entire lifespan.

And again, however you want your team to win, there's only so little you can do to help them. Same as in life, you just have to try to do the best you can, and let god do the rest.

I can go on and on about this matter, but I'm expecting a call from a company in approx. 8 minutes, so I'm just going to say one last thing.

Either it is supporting your favorite team, or in life,

.... don't be pessimistic, but be REALISTIC.

Have a good weekend.