Saturday, May 05, 2007

is this it?

USCIS has received enough H-1B petitions requesting exemptions from the fiscal year 2008 H-1B cap for "foreign workers who have earned a master's degree or higher" to meet the congressionally mandated exemption limit of 20,000. USCIS has determined that the "final receipt date" for these exempt petitions is April 30, 2007.

I officially don't know what I should do from now on... any help, advice is appreciated...


dung2x said...

Kalo ga salah ya, H1B cap itu cuma buat non-goverment organization. Theoretically kalo anda bisa cari kerja di gov-owned institution mestinya masih bisa.

Not 100% sure tho buat master gimana... mungkin anda bisa research lagi?

Unknown said...

saudara dung2x...
anda betul sekali...

iya ini sekarang saya jg fokusnya ke yg gov, city, ato education companies... cman susah banget.. gak terlalu banyak yg minta tenaga engineer... kalo ada jg yg ada maunya civil.. buat bangun2 gedung sama benerin jalan gt kali ya...

Fe said...

kerja di sekolahan aja iyah.. gapapa...
nugngu taun depan cari cari lagi..
coba itu di apply di purdue. kayak purdue alumni center .. kyknya si sally dulu sempet kerja situ ya?