Sunday, January 28, 2007

Colts vs Bears - The Battle of I-65!

Let the battle begin. I just realized that this game is not just another Superbowl. Indianapolis and Chicago is only separated by about three hours drive, so fans from both sides of the team are mixed in both states.

I have been waiting for Indianapolis Colts to go into the Superbowl since I've been supporting them. And now they have to face Chicago Bears to win it all!!!

This is big. Really really big.


I really don't want Feb 4th to come very soon, because all the excitement would be over, and there would be no football until September. I'm loving this. Everywhere I go it's either Colts or Bears. They even talk about that in church! St Thomas won't be having the 9PM masses next week due to the game.

So please Colts. Don't disappoint us. Beat Bears, and bring pride to Indianapolis! That would be a sweet present to me, since who knows where I'm gonna live in the next couple of weeks.

Hehe. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

The excitement has finally catched to me. Oh yes it has. It's gonna be intense this upcoming Sunday. Maybe now I can dream for Purdue to go into the National Championship?

Or not. Whatever.


Monday, January 22, 2007

This is really hilarious.... ^^

Masuk ke account gue aja kalo mo liat2 video yg lain ^^

Sunday, January 21, 2007

So the Colts managed their way to the SuperBowl....

.... tapi kok rasanya biasa aja ya

Biasanya pasti gue excited berat... bahkan tadi gak ntn game nya sampe abis.. gara2 ke gereja sih.. tapi biasanya pasti gue bela2 in ke gereja sabtu sore ato minggu pagi biar bisa ntn...

terus ngeliatin nick name msn orang2... yg biasanya gak peduli sama football aja sampe pada excited gituh.. tapi.. kok gue biasa aja ya?

jujur sih.. gue seneng... tapi kok terasa ganjil aja... harusnya gue jaoh lebih seneng dari ini.. grr what is happening to me? I mean.. it's the Colts... our own Indianapolis Colts! kapan lagi coba... jarang2 Colts bisa menang playoff games... apalagi ke superbowl..

apalagi tadi.. pas gue tinggal ke gereja, Colts ngejer dari ketinggalan 21-3 jadi akhrinya menang 38-34! it's the biggest comeback ever in playoff history! But I again, I FEEL NOTHING! biasanya pasti gue bakal nyesel berat gara2 gak ntn sampe abis....

and don't give me those you-watched-too-much-football-already crap... it's NEVER enough!
no.. it's something else.....

Hatiku... beku?
maaf... keluhan di malam yg sepi...

Friday, January 19, 2007


-censored- ™ says:
btw jeng
-censored- ™ says:
sebelon terlambat
-censored- ™ says:
saya mau bilang sesuatu
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
-censored- ™ says:
ga ga
-censored- ™ says:
ini sangat serius
-censored- ™ says:
gua mau bilang
-censored- ™ says:
terima kasih sudah menjadi teman yg baik
-censored- ™ says:
mengingat ultah gua, walo gua lupa ultah loe
-censored- ™ says:
kalau gua mati duluan, lo pasti masuk orang yg gua recommendasiin buat mewariskan my good luck
-censored- ™ says:
ha ha ha
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
de fak
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
apaan coba
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
gue gak bisa bedain lo becanda apa serius
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
-censored- ™ says:
-censored- ™ says:
walo gua sambil tawa2
-censored- ™ says:
tapi serius]
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
gue jg kalo gak dikasi tau bebi jg gak inget
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
-censored- ™ says:
intinya sih
-censored- ™ says:
soalnya tinggal dikit orang2 yg ngobrol sama gua semenjak beberapa bulan terakhir
-censored- ™ says:
dan lo termasuk yg sering gua goblokin dan ngobrol2 ama gua
-censored- ™ says:
jadi harus diterangkan dulu
-censored- ™ says:
seperti yg gua bilang lingkaran teman mengecil
-censored- ™ says:
jadi sebelon lingkaran saya hilang, ada baiknya bilang dulu bahwa elo adalah orang yg baik
-censored- ™ says:
jangan kapok2 ya pegi chicago
-censored- ™ says:
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
lo abis minum brapa banyak seh
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:
-censored- ™ says:
-censored- ™ says:
ga ampe sebotol
Ivan - hati yang beku.. says:

hahaha... can you see that I got pretty uncomfortable there? =p I guess this man-to-man bonding is pretty unusual for me… hehe… thanks a lot though bro ^^

Btw his nickname is not actually –censored-, can you guess who it is?

Monday, January 15, 2007

a blast from the past

I'm feeling extremely nostalgic today.. so I'm gonna post some stuff from my good ol' days with my WB13 friends.

WARNING: the following MSN conversation might offend some people, so read at your own risk :)

jangkung: DONE! says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
mo ikutan ngga
jangkung: DONE! says:
maen pentil2an
jangkung: DONE! says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
yang namanya lukki pentilnya musti ditarik sama pemain lainnya
b1j1 says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ini fak apa gimana
jangkung: DONE! says:
yang pertama bisa narik menang
jangkung: DONE! says:
gimana ji?
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
knapa jadi banyak
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
udah gua mo siap2 kayu dulu tapi
b1j1 says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
kayunya terserah gua
b1j1 says:
kayu apaan cuk?
jangkung: DONE! says:
kayunya cuman bole digigit kalo kesakitan
jangkung: DONE! says:
gimana ji?
jangkung: DONE! says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
yang menang katanya dapet heisei
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
dan dikasi piala
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
dapet heisei dari bandungan
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
piala bentuk TITIT
jangkung: DONE! says:
juara plitir pentil lukki
jangkung: DONE! says:
juara ppl
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
kalo jenggo ama hans maen gua bantuin support kasih piala deh
b1j1 says:
b1j1 says:
plintir pentil luki?
b1j1 says:
boleh tuh
jangkung: DONE! says:
semakin hebat teknik plintirnya semakin banyak poinnya
jangkung: DONE! says:
tujuan permainan adalah buat pentil lukki jadi ngga jelas bentuknya

raeni has been added to the conversation.

Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ya ? gimana tadi wat cara maennya?
jangkung: DONE! says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
coba kasitau kita lagi
jangkung: DONE! says:
wewe gombel juga diinvite
raeni says:
apaan si
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
cepet kasitau cara pertandingannya
raeni says:
ga jelas
raeni says:
ini apaan sih?
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
gimana cara maennya wat?
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ga mau kasitau nih?
jangkung: DONE! says:
cara maennya gini
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ya ga jadi deh
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
lukki di kasi kayu
jangkung: DONE! says:
trus untuk digigit
raeni says:
he eh
raeni says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
raeni says:
ngapain gigit kayu
raeni says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
hore saya punya pembela hohoho
jangkung: DONE! says:
karena lukki dodol....
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
tadi gimana wat..inti permainannya itu wat?
jangkung: DONE! says:
bawanya ibu suri kedua sih
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
peraturannya itu lho wat
jangkung: DONE! says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
ngga aci
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ga jadi kasitau peraturan maennya?
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ya udah deh batal
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
kalo gua kasi tau jadi ngga nih maennya?
b1j1 says:
ini opo toh
raeni says:
ibu suri apaan sih
raeni says:
ga tau nih
raeni says:
aneh semua
jangkung: DONE! says:
ibu wewe gombel
raeni says:
aku ga ngerti
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
hahaha apaan tu wewe gombal
jangkung: DONE! says:
raeni says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jie..tadi gimana jie cara maennya jie?
jangkung: DONE! says:
wewe gombel tuh yang maelm2...
raeni says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
rambutnya panjang
b1j1 says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jangkung: DONE! says:
trus ketawanya.... "hihihihihihi"
b1j1 says:
si howet pedut
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
ga tau apa pura2 ga tau??
raeni says:
apaan si bentar
jangkung: DONE! says:
b1j1 says:
gue gak liatin
raeni says:
aku mo dikasi tau apaan si benernyah
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
itu ren
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
si howat mo ngajak maen
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
nama maenannya ppl..
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
singkatannya apaw at?
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
cara maennya giman tuh?
jangkung: DONE! says:
wah tanya biji deh
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
jie..gimana jie?
jangkung: DONE! says:
gua kurang ahli maennya
Skywalker April 9, 3.30pm says:
b1j1 says:
plintir pantat luki ?
jangkung: DONE! says:

This ALWAYS make me laugh :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It is...

...sometime past three am, and I can't sleep. Well, it's not that I can't sleep. I just don't feel like sleeping. So I'll just list some random stuff that occurred to my mind...

1. it is very hard to love someone unconditionally. It is almost impossible to say 'well, as long as he/she's happy, I'm fine. I don't need anything in return' Really. It's virtually impossible. For me, at least. And for those of you that think this is about 'her', believe me, it's not.

2. there must this special hormone working when you get up in the morning. I often experience this 'special' feeling whenever I wake up in the morning. I sometimes wake up in the morning feeling so sad, that there are tears running down my face (with unknown reason). Or maybe you can just wake up smiling and feel dumb because you don't know why. The first more than the latter.

3. Uncertainties result in pain. There are so many options to choose, yet you always unsure that you follow the best one.

4. I finally found my 'weaknesses' to tell interviewers.
- Impatient: I hate waiting. Period.
- Over Analyzing: Taking down problems day by day just doesn't cut it for me.
- Impulsive: I wouldn't brag too much of this too my interviewers though. Let's just keep this between us :)

5. Some people are just afraid to say 'no' (for variety of reasons). I've learned so much this past few months that some people are actually afraid to get out of their comfort zone, to hurt other people's feeling because their inability to say no. As always, my over analyzing habit didn't make it any easier as well.

6. It is actually very hard to know what exactly going through your mind. So many expectations, considerations, analysis that pretty much shield the true intention of your mind. When this happen, you can just go back and forth what you're thinking, just to discover that the result is just virtually impossible to comprehend. Confused? So am I.

7. Ah. The lucky number 7. Well guess what, my lucky number is 21, which is 3 x 7. What does it mean? Nothing, because I don't really believe in luck. 21 is actually my favorite number because of some certain reasons. People tell me that getting a job is all about luck. Bunch of nonsense. Randomness in the universe is what causing employment to be correlated with luck. Let's face it, the world isn't linear. There are no equations in the world that can describe EXACTLY the true activities of nature. People use equations not because they exist, but to provide an explanation to CERTAIN activity. Why is -ve x -ve = +ve? Because it works. So for those people that believe getting a job is all about luck, I feel really sorry for you.

8. It seems that aside from people getting married at 7/7/07, a lot more will get married at 8/8/08. The number 8 character (ba? pa?) is the same as the character for 'wealth' (feel free to correct). So? what are you waiting for? Start planning for your wedding! Actually, for all those of who haven't thought about getting married (yet), you have time until 12/12/12. Why? I don't really think many people will find the date 13/13/13 on their calendar.

9. My bed really kills me. It is by far the most inconvenient bed I've ever sleep on. Maybe that's one of the reason I don't feel like sleeping even though I'm sleepy.

10. For some reason it's just very hard for me to have a close friend on a long term basis. I don't know why, but it sure like a good idea to restrict my relationship with my friends. On the risk of being called sad, it's just very hard for me to fully share my thoughts with someone. It's been a while since I can really open up to a person. Time change... People change... and some thoughts just won't go away... I guess..

I think it's getting to personal, so I'll stop here.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A glimpse of the new year..

The table has shifted. Nintendo wiis are virtually impossible to found across the country. PS3s are everywhere, as nobody want them anymore. Scalpers try to return their purchase after eBay prices dropped below retail. This conclude that people buy wii to play it, but they buy ps3 only to sell it. Those people who bought $3000 ps3 after launch must feel like an idiot now. The battle continues and personally I'm very excited. Will Nintendo win the market share this gen? Will Blue Ray become the next Betamax (the reason that Betamax fail to succeed was because they don't allow porn industries to produce in their format... yeah right) Will Microsoft succeed in Japan? Will people grow tired of the new playing scheme introduced by Nintendo after some years? months? Will ps3 ever live up to their hype? Will 360's 1 year head start make a difference in the long run?

Stay tuned.

Ian Johnson just proposed to his girlfriend (fiancee?) last night. Got that? Now that I have your attention, non-football fans, I'll tell you how last night's game was more than just a game. Boise St was 12-0 for the season, so by logic they should play in the national championship against the only other unbeaten team in the country (Ohio St, also 12-0).

But they didn't. Since they came from a WAC, a 'weak' conference, they had to settle their business in the Fiesta Bowl against the Oklahoma Sooners (which aren't very good in my opinion). The Broncos (Boise St's nickname) led early until midway of 3rd quarter. Then to sum it up, they blew their lead and Oklahoma managed to catch on to force the game into overtime. Oklahoma even lead by 7 points with 1:08 minutes left in the game, but The Broncos refused to give up. Their last play,hook and ladder trick play finally tied the game and forces it into overtime.

Bored? Hang on on with me. During the overtime, it seems that they want to settle the game once and for all. Rather than kicking the extra point for 1, they elected to go for 2 which will win the game. Of course, they would lose the game if they failed. This is bar none the most exciting moment so far this season. They ran the statue of liberty play, which the QB faked a pass to the receivers, and handed the ball over to the running back.


One of the commentators said 'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog' That strucked me real deep. The Boise St might still lose if the play Ohio St, but they sure knows how to provide a high quality entertainment. Kudos to you Broncos nation!

Now this is the interesting part. Running back Ian Johnson proposed to his girlfriend, the head cheerleader for the Broncos, after the game during his interview on national television! And she said yes! Wisconsin beat Arkansas with an impressive performance, Penn St upset the ranked Tennessee, USC beat Michigan in the Rose Bowl, but the highlight of the new year belong to the underdog Boise St Broncos!