Wednesday, March 05, 2008

atas sikapmu

waktu itu gue janji buat gak ngeluh lagi di blog... gue janji buat pake blog ini buat taro foto2 aja.. (which was actually a success for a couple of posts)

God, I can't think right now...

jangan salah... I'm actually very satisfied with my condition right now... cman aja ada beberapa 'glitches' yg gak bisa ilang dari pikiran..

can't stop thinking about her... whenever I accidently look at her pictures my heart stops beating... literally... (it goes back on again... obviously...) wondering what my next step is..

waktu itu gue sempet mimpi aneh2... salah satunya gue mimpiin Caca... weits, jgn mikir macem2 dulu.. gini ceritanya: gak tau kenapa tiba2 si Caca telpon gue... nanya kalo cari hotdog di Chicago dimana... lah gue jawab gak tau.. suruh tanya Hans aja.. tapi dia gak mau... jd yg gue tanyain.. Hans gue juga tanyain bilang gak tau..... terus ya udah.... abis itu bangun.... trus iseng2 telpon anaknya... katanya lg mau buru2 mau mandi... mau ke sekolah...

Ca: halo?
(blaa.. blaa.. basa basi...)
Gue: eh Ca masak kmaren aku mimpi kamu...
Ca: ha? mimpi apaan Jeng?
Gue: iya ceritanya kamu lg cari hotdog di chicago... terus.. (critanya baca di atas)
Ca: eheheheh (ktawa gak jelas) jadi itu maksudnya apaan ya?
Gue: gak tau.. kamu lg ngidam makan hotdog ya?
Ca: yee.. gak kok enak aja...
Gue: hmm.. jadi apa dong artinya...
Ca: tandanya aku demen makan kali ya...
Gue: ???
Ca: eh ya udah ya aku mau mandi dulu...
Gue: mmm.. ya udah... (bobo lagi)

the other day... I dreamt about my Ex.. I'm not gonna write the story here, since even thinking about it makes me feel weird... but for some reason I woke up in the morning feeling very relieved... and it was nice that I was finally be able to get close to her again.. even though just in the dream...

yesterday my co-worker told a dream she had the previous night... long story short, she dreamt that the sun is going closer and closer to earth and everybody's screaming for help.... running wherever they can....

dan sekarang gue masi di kantor... abis kelarin ntn lecture and bikin PR...

ada satu temen gue yg mgkn bakal dateng ke sini dari jakarta sekitar 4th of July... one of my friends is getting married and she's planning to be the maid of honor... there's one more guy from our circle of friends and another girl I haven't met might also come too.. this should be interesting since the wedding is on the 6th, and 4th of July is Friday... this way I don't have to take a day off to get a long weekend :) I haven't seen them in ages.. and the best part is that I could ask them to supply me with some lagu indo... :) udah ga bisa download lagi dari Multiply... :( July can't come soon enough.....

btw... I learned a very valuable lesson during these past couple of months.... I will try to restrict my relationship with women... why? because I'm so bloody sick and tired to be considered 'girlfriend'.. you know? when women think you're good, but not THAT good... when they think you're a good friend, just not good enough as a boyfriend... and when they're already in a zone comfortable enough to ask for your opinions about other guys??? what the FUCK was that all about? why the hell do I even care about other guys? Are you kidding me? How could I be so dumb these years to fall into these traps????



Adeline said...

ok!! gw dukung niat lo buat jadi lebih ga bar ama cewe!! Go jenggo!!

pokoknya, apapun yg lo lakukan, gw support!!


favre gimana nih???????

Fe said...


kenapa saya ngakak ya baca bagian (of course the heart beats again...) ato gimana gituh. aheuaheuaheauhe. kakakku yang lucuh . kucikuciku.

ah. kayaknya ini memang curse keluarga deh. kisah cinta yang terus terusan terhempas. pyar. mungkin dulu engkongnya engkong ada yang pleboi berat... jadi karmanya muter sampe sekarang. aheuaheuaheuahea.

ntar lah tunggu aja beberapa taon lagi... cewe2 itu juga sadar kok kalo semua cowo itu sama busuknya. jadi nya mending yang udah comfortable dari pada yang neko neko dan belom jelas luar dalemnya toh? nah giliran kakak ber-engingeng menyelamatkan dunia dari krisis lelaki girlfriend. aheuaheuaheuahe. ga nolong ya?

Unknown said...

my sister... ladies and gentlemen.... -_-'