Sunday, January 28, 2007

Colts vs Bears - The Battle of I-65!

Let the battle begin. I just realized that this game is not just another Superbowl. Indianapolis and Chicago is only separated by about three hours drive, so fans from both sides of the team are mixed in both states.

I have been waiting for Indianapolis Colts to go into the Superbowl since I've been supporting them. And now they have to face Chicago Bears to win it all!!!

This is big. Really really big.


I really don't want Feb 4th to come very soon, because all the excitement would be over, and there would be no football until September. I'm loving this. Everywhere I go it's either Colts or Bears. They even talk about that in church! St Thomas won't be having the 9PM masses next week due to the game.

So please Colts. Don't disappoint us. Beat Bears, and bring pride to Indianapolis! That would be a sweet present to me, since who knows where I'm gonna live in the next couple of weeks.

Hehe. Doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

The excitement has finally catched to me. Oh yes it has. It's gonna be intense this upcoming Sunday. Maybe now I can dream for Purdue to go into the National Championship?

Or not. Whatever.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

coltsy nya menang, selamat..saya sudah kembali berkiprah di dunia perblog an...

elka said...

4 : temennyaadelinenumpanglewat

Surprisingly, collecting original audio CD is one of my hobby (you can check w/ Adeline or her bro on this).

I do own the original Maliq & d'Essentials CD and funnily when I rip it, the titles are screwed up.
Corrections were made.

Thank's for your info. (I checked it out online and apparently you're right).

Unknown said...

comment made @ your page :p

elka said...

hahaha, gpp koq. Gw juga sebenernya ga serius2 amat. Cuma isenk aje bikin seformal mungkin.
Anyway, thank u Jenggo dah mampir.
Suka Maliq juga?

Unknown said...

suka banget :)