Saturday, December 30, 2006

Clippers vs Celtics - VIP!

Watched the Clippers - Celtics game Wednesday night. Met with Besty and the others on Tuesday night, and Evo, her boyfriend gave me two tickets for the game. So I went with WK ^^

Look closely at our seats. VIP, row 1! ^^ Of course it was not the closest, since those sidelines seats should cost hundreds of even thousands, but it's still pretty close to the court. We even got a VIP parking pass, so none of those time wasted looking for parking space. So much better than the Pacers game a couple years back when I had to sit at the balcony. Blech. Those seats were nothing compared to these.

I'm beginning to love LA already ^^

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

bit of a story

Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing this entry.

Yes. I'm supposed to be skiing/snowboarding at this time. But the fact is, my knee hurt real bad yesterday and that prevents me to go ski. I tried to force it for some hours, but it got real bad, so I decided not to go today.

Oh well. There's always next time.

Am I upset? Not really. Wanna know the reason?

My Wii got sold for $500 on eBay! ^^

For those of you who haven't followed the video game industry, Wii have become harder to find even more than PS3, although they shipped 4x amount PS3 does. Sometimes, you can still find PS3 on retail shelves, but almost zero chance for Wii. So, there was this rumour that Nintendo would have Wii in-stock on 12/17. Experience says that these babies would sell fast.

So yes, I waited in line for 6 hours on Sunday morning and was #3 in line for the last shipment of the year. This also had a very good story, but would be too long to tell here. Maybe when I got back.

Barely walk back to the lodge yesterday after my knee hurt so bad. After returning my equipment I decided to watch some TV in the living room. I got a missed call from Ryder saying that they have a couple of positions available. So I called them back today and talk to the manager. The phone interview didn't go as well as I planned, but we'll see what happened. Getting the phone call itself already made me feel better despite the fact that I couldn't go ski.

The position is in Lafayette. You know where the Subaru factory is? Yep, Ryder is doing some consulting work for them. Cross your fingers guys. A position with Ryder would mean working in a factory environment and involves talking with clients. These are the kind of jobs I really want.

#3 I just beat the 1:28 odd of the Amazon lottery for a chance to buy a Wii! Amazon decided that it would be fair to put their Wii (and PS3) shipment on lottery so that everyone would have equal chance to get one. They required valid credit card saved to prevent multiple entries. So I bought one at the price of $259.98 + $9 shipped. NO TAX! (6% in Indiana: ~$14) The item should arrive on Friday. Still haven't decided what to do with this one. 20% of my heart says to keep it, 30% to sell it at retail price to someone I know (who I know won't sell it again), 50% says another eBay madness. (Fel anda masih mau tidak? Dipikir pikir dulu ya..)

That's about it for know. It's 3 PM and the rest should be done in an hour. I'm gonna grab some food and visit them at the park.

Later. Hope all are well.

Monday, December 11, 2006


How the most infamous line in America became a Borat joke:

'I don't know what it means but I want it. NOT!'


I'm so lame...

Kmaren disebut2 gitu sama fraternya pas di gereja.. hauhauha... satu gereja lgsg ketawa semua...

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I just skipped my last two classes yesterday.
My last classes of the semester.
My last classes of the last six years.

My last classes.. forever?


sekitar dua minggu lagi gue bakal punya hak untung bilang..
'Exam? apa tuh exam?'
'Project? apa tuh project?'
'(some type of school work)? apa tuh (some type of school work)?'

Apologies for those who still go to school.

Selamat datang kehidupan, kita ketemu lagi.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So special..

'special in my eyes
since you’re in my life
always on my mind
so special in my eyes'

Lagi di penghujung film 'Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta' nih. Gue baru aja nonton untuk kedua kalinya =) Temen2 yang laen, yang ntn bareng gue bilang ini film biasa aja, kalo bukan jelek.

I beg to differ and here's why.

Diliat dari judul nya emang kerasa nggak original dan pasaran banget (and it might be true to some extent) Tapi, kenapa gue ngerasa kalo skarang ini kita justru perlu film jenis begini?

Coba inget2 beberapa film indo terakhir yg kalian ntn. Udah? Coba, skarang apa yg terbayang? Gue tebak ya. Adegan tangis2 an. Adegan jerit2 an. Setan. Hantu. Tuyul. Tragedi. Adegan dugem dengan lagu2 gak jelas. Akting yg terlalu dibuat2 (belaan pembuat filem: 'menjiwai')

Dari kesan yg gue dapet abis ntn filem ini, cman adegan dugem aja yg keinget. Ada sedikit adegan tangis2 an, tapi itu cman di flashback doang. Pendek sekali.

Dilihat dari cerita, ini biasa banget. Tapi justru karena itu gue bisa relate semua kejadian ke kehidupan gue sendiri. Gue bisa bilang 'gila, ini bisa banget terjadi di kejadian gua' Dialog nya biasa banget, dialog yg biasa kita alamin sehari hari. Orang2 yg kebiasa ntn film 'kelas tinggi' dengan dialog2 ber bobot bakal kecewa berat. Orang2 yg nggak biasa dengan omongan2 jorok dan kotor jg bakal tersinggung. Tapi justru ini yg bisa ngebikin gue terkesan banget. Kenapa? Karena emang ya sehari hari kejadian seperti ini yg bakal kita temuin.

Gue akuin, ada beberapa dialog yg kerasa dipaksa banget dalam konteks penggunaan bahasa inggris. Sepertinya emang nggak terlalu banyak orang Indonesia yg fluent ngomong bahasa inggris. Bukan masalah besar jg. Hey, gak ada salah nya orang buat ngecoba kan?

Dari segi pencahayaan dan pengambilan gambar gue bener2 terkesan. Ada beberapa adegan yg gue bilang udah advanced banget kalo dalam standar film indo. Adegan pas salah satu tokoh nya ngebayangin pemakaman dia di masa depan, terus adegan bayangan salah satu pemeran cw nya jalan2 pake baju pengantin, sambil pegang batu bata (I admit this is pretty unreal.. but hey, anything can happen in Jakarta right? After all it is our beloved 'Sin City' ^_^)

Soundtrack lagu2 nya jg bagus. ~vodka pasti nggak setuju sama pendapat gue yg satu ini =p (and it's okay!) salah satu lagunya, 'so special' - Oka feat. Sabria jadi salah satu lagu favorit gue akhir2 ini. Lagu pas adegan terakhir, dimana semua pemeran nya dansa di lantai ballroom kelapa gading sports club (GADING! WOOHOO!! -kampung mode on-) jg bagus banget.

Overall, emosi kita nggak terlalu diuji di film ini. Terus terang aja gue radaan capek denger tangisan2 meraung dari beberapa film indo yg gue tonton sebelon ini. Alur film masih tergolong lambat, tapi film indo mana sih yg nggak? Sembari gue ntn, ngerasa ada beberapa adegan yg bisa di trim sedikit dan gak akan mengganggu alur filem dan msg yg mau disampein sama adegan itu. But hey, what do I know right? It's not like that I have any choreography background or anything.

Kalo diliat2 juga, nggak ada pemeran2 nya yg bener2 special. Special dalam arti cakep ato cantik banget. Dilihat2 dari daftar pemeran, jg nggak keliatan nama2 besar yg biasa kelihatan.

Aneh ya? Mungkin sebenernya emang nggak mustahin buat ngebikin film bagus tanpa nama2 besar. Si Renny bilang salah satu produser nya lulusan anak SMUK 1. Sebelon nya gue jg pernah liat karya independen dari cahyadalamglap production, masih dari anak SMUK 1. Kayanya banyak yah lulusan SMUK 1 yg berbakat bikin film? =)

Jadi kesimpulan terakhir, alesan gue suka film ini sebenernya cukup simpel. Film ini gak maksa gue terlibat di konflik emosional yg dalem, tapi dari 'kedataran' nya itu justru bisa menimbulkan sesuatu yang nggak membosankan.


'ku seduh kasih sehalus sutera'

Monday, December 04, 2006


It's almost 5 in the morning, but I finally finished the challenge. This is the result:

~9% ROI. Not too bad. I bet I could do better given more time. I'm kinda pessimistic that it'd get me into top 3, but hey, at least I tried right? At least the factory's making some money.


I just emailed the report along with my peer eval with a note saying that I might not be coming to class today =p

This is one of the days that I can feel good about myself. To tell the truth, I almost gave up a couple of hours ago due to the factory losing money consistently. After 1 hour of ESPN and 2 box of Lovshack, somehow it all worked out.

I need sleep. Badly.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

are we there yet?

My head feels like exploding. I've been dealing with this problem since I woke up, and the answers are still nowhere to be found.

'How do you create the best efficiency?' is the question.

This is not a mandatory project. Students were given the option to submit the assignment, with bonuses awaiting if your system makes it to the top three.

I glanced over to the TV screen at the back of my head. Damn. Colts lost to the Tennessee Titans by last second field goal. So much for that.

I sighed. This is going nowhere. I decided to get some coffee, when I saw a half-filled Marlboro lights sitting on top of my cubical. 'What the hell', I thought. I took a piece and headed outside. The weather outside was just horrible. Freezing would be an understatement. I lighted my cigarette and took a couple of puffs. Much better. Some of you might be surprised by this fact, since I rarely smoke in the past.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't start smoking to look 'cool' or whatsoever. Actually, I've been playing hide-and seek with everybody, not wanting anyone to know about the fact. It's fine though. It's not like I'm creating some kind of dependencies with nicotine or anything. Just a little bit something to keep me sane.

As I finished my last puff, I started warming up my car. Damn it's cold. Seriously, sometimes I have to questioned how can people live under this kind of weather and have not gone crazy. Geez.

'One Peppermint Mocha, please' I said to the lady behind the counter. I started to look around the store. Everything was red and green. Christmas is coming. Ever thought that Christmas has lost is meaning recently? Look at all the commercials running on TV. eBay, jewelries, cars. All I can think about Christmas nowadays is angry moms pulling the last doll for her daughter in a packed department store, and confused fathers trying to get everything on his christmas list running around local malls. Have you watched Garmin's commercial on TV recently? If you had, you'll know exactly what I mean.

'One venti Peppermint Mocha, no whipped cream'. That's my order. I hate whipped cream. Not because it's fatty or anything, but it just spoils the taste of the coffee.

I took a sip from my cup. Blah. What the hell is this? I should've ordered my usual white mocha. I went back home anyway. One thing to learn from the trip: wear something other than shorts and sandals when the weather is this cold. Noted.

I got back to my room. The Giants are playing Cowboys. I continued my reading, while occasionally sipping on my coffee. Whoa, it's almost dark. How time flies when you have lots of things to do.

I hear the intro to 'Diatas Normal' playing on the background of my desktop.

"pikiranku tak dapat kumengerti
kaki di kepala, kepala dikaki
pikiranku, patutnya menyadari
siapa yg harus dan tak harus kucari
tetapi tak dapat.. ku mengerti"

I then remembered my previous encounter with one of my friend on MSN. Nothing important, just daily chit chats that frequently happened between us. She was telling me some stories about her boyfriend. Then I asked,

'You must love him so much, huh?'

She didn't respond immediately. But after a couple of minutes an orange flashing lights my conversation bar. I opened it.

'Of course, why shouldn't I?'
She replied.
'Haha, nvm. It was a stupid question anyway'
I added.

Then we talk some other things. But something never left my mind. It has been awhile hasn't it?' I never even thought about it. It feels like part of my heart are turning into stone.

Hatiku beku.

School. Work. Football. Those are really the only three things that have occupied my life in the past of few months. the 'L' word is nowhere to be found.

I reached for another cigarettes, but then I put it back. "My roommates' are gonna kill me if they found out I'm smoking inside the house." So I took some of my school notes from my bag, and start reading. Again.

Damn. I have to do this evaluation thing by tomorrow. I hope my teammates go easy on me, since this would be a huge part for the final grade.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Gibot just called. He was wondering if I want to watch Sunday Night Football at this place. I told him no way I can spare that much time tonight. I'll go tomorrow night instead for MNF.

What to do now? Hm. Cowboys just kicked a field goal with :01 second left. Two games decided by a field goal today. Whoop-de-do.

I browsed through my list of music in iTunes. Finally settled on 'Damai Mimpi', my mind started to wander elsewhere.

"ingin bersamamu menari
bernyanyi lagu damai mimpi
tersenyum nuranimu
harum nafasmu, mewangi,
hiasi mimpimu.."

I have neglected my guitar for quite a while. It must be out of tune. I remind myself to spare some time playing with it tonight.

I'm graduating exactly two weeks from now. How time flies. With no jobs on the line, I can't exactly say that I'm looking forward to it. I talked about many people, with different opinions regarding this graduation thing.

While I appreciate each and every one of their opinions, I can only agreed to a few. I finally decided that only I can control my own destiny. Meaning that I will make the decision solely based on my fully informed understandings.

'Totally don't know what it means, but I want it'

Why? Why? Haha. I just remembered this HDTV commercial starring Jessica Simpson. Ever wondered if she's really good at acting dumb, or she is just... well.. dumb?

A thought of skipping dinner occured to my mind. Don't really feel like eating with so much work to do. Hm. That might not be such a good idea.

lambaikan tanganmu from side do side
karena semua will be alright

then.. emmh... can't really comprehend what they're singing. 'Sunday Morning' from Soulid is now playing.

I suddenly remembered this 'project' I started with one of my friend from the beginning of the semester. I haven't touched it for a couple of months. Maybe I should look over it tonight when everything's wrapped up. I'm not gonna tell you guys (yes, four of you who have been reading this blog =p) what it is for now, but I promised that some of you might even want to get involved with this project ^^

As for now, I gotta get back to my reading.

Bye now.