Monday, December 04, 2006


It's almost 5 in the morning, but I finally finished the challenge. This is the result:

~9% ROI. Not too bad. I bet I could do better given more time. I'm kinda pessimistic that it'd get me into top 3, but hey, at least I tried right? At least the factory's making some money.


I just emailed the report along with my peer eval with a note saying that I might not be coming to class today =p

This is one of the days that I can feel good about myself. To tell the truth, I almost gave up a couple of hours ago due to the factory losing money consistently. After 1 hour of ESPN and 2 box of Lovshack, somehow it all worked out.

I need sleep. Badly.


Anonymous said...

congrats! jadi gmana neh LA?

Anonymous said...

congrats nya diterima..
tapi saya ternyata gagal..
rata2 profitnya ~$4500


ada yg salah kayanya sama system gue.. kegedean holding costs.. not enough demand satisfied..

so much for that..

Anonymous said...

tenank Jeng,
kan at least lo uda nyoba juga =D

go Jenggo!!