Saturday, December 30, 2006

Clippers vs Celtics - VIP!

Watched the Clippers - Celtics game Wednesday night. Met with Besty and the others on Tuesday night, and Evo, her boyfriend gave me two tickets for the game. So I went with WK ^^

Look closely at our seats. VIP, row 1! ^^ Of course it was not the closest, since those sidelines seats should cost hundreds of even thousands, but it's still pretty close to the court. We even got a VIP parking pass, so none of those time wasted looking for parking space. So much better than the Pacers game a couple years back when I had to sit at the balcony. Blech. Those seats were nothing compared to these.

I'm beginning to love LA already ^^

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

bit of a story

Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing this entry.

Yes. I'm supposed to be skiing/snowboarding at this time. But the fact is, my knee hurt real bad yesterday and that prevents me to go ski. I tried to force it for some hours, but it got real bad, so I decided not to go today.

Oh well. There's always next time.

Am I upset? Not really. Wanna know the reason?

My Wii got sold for $500 on eBay! ^^

For those of you who haven't followed the video game industry, Wii have become harder to find even more than PS3, although they shipped 4x amount PS3 does. Sometimes, you can still find PS3 on retail shelves, but almost zero chance for Wii. So, there was this rumour that Nintendo would have Wii in-stock on 12/17. Experience says that these babies would sell fast.

So yes, I waited in line for 6 hours on Sunday morning and was #3 in line for the last shipment of the year. This also had a very good story, but would be too long to tell here. Maybe when I got back.

Barely walk back to the lodge yesterday after my knee hurt so bad. After returning my equipment I decided to watch some TV in the living room. I got a missed call from Ryder saying that they have a couple of positions available. So I called them back today and talk to the manager. The phone interview didn't go as well as I planned, but we'll see what happened. Getting the phone call itself already made me feel better despite the fact that I couldn't go ski.

The position is in Lafayette. You know where the Subaru factory is? Yep, Ryder is doing some consulting work for them. Cross your fingers guys. A position with Ryder would mean working in a factory environment and involves talking with clients. These are the kind of jobs I really want.

#3 I just beat the 1:28 odd of the Amazon lottery for a chance to buy a Wii! Amazon decided that it would be fair to put their Wii (and PS3) shipment on lottery so that everyone would have equal chance to get one. They required valid credit card saved to prevent multiple entries. So I bought one at the price of $259.98 + $9 shipped. NO TAX! (6% in Indiana: ~$14) The item should arrive on Friday. Still haven't decided what to do with this one. 20% of my heart says to keep it, 30% to sell it at retail price to someone I know (who I know won't sell it again), 50% says another eBay madness. (Fel anda masih mau tidak? Dipikir pikir dulu ya..)

That's about it for know. It's 3 PM and the rest should be done in an hour. I'm gonna grab some food and visit them at the park.

Later. Hope all are well.

Monday, December 11, 2006


How the most infamous line in America became a Borat joke:

'I don't know what it means but I want it. NOT!'


I'm so lame...

Kmaren disebut2 gitu sama fraternya pas di gereja.. hauhauha... satu gereja lgsg ketawa semua...

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I just skipped my last two classes yesterday.
My last classes of the semester.
My last classes of the last six years.

My last classes.. forever?


sekitar dua minggu lagi gue bakal punya hak untung bilang..
'Exam? apa tuh exam?'
'Project? apa tuh project?'
'(some type of school work)? apa tuh (some type of school work)?'

Apologies for those who still go to school.

Selamat datang kehidupan, kita ketemu lagi.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So special..

'special in my eyes
since you’re in my life
always on my mind
so special in my eyes'

Lagi di penghujung film 'Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta' nih. Gue baru aja nonton untuk kedua kalinya =) Temen2 yang laen, yang ntn bareng gue bilang ini film biasa aja, kalo bukan jelek.

I beg to differ and here's why.

Diliat dari judul nya emang kerasa nggak original dan pasaran banget (and it might be true to some extent) Tapi, kenapa gue ngerasa kalo skarang ini kita justru perlu film jenis begini?

Coba inget2 beberapa film indo terakhir yg kalian ntn. Udah? Coba, skarang apa yg terbayang? Gue tebak ya. Adegan tangis2 an. Adegan jerit2 an. Setan. Hantu. Tuyul. Tragedi. Adegan dugem dengan lagu2 gak jelas. Akting yg terlalu dibuat2 (belaan pembuat filem: 'menjiwai')

Dari kesan yg gue dapet abis ntn filem ini, cman adegan dugem aja yg keinget. Ada sedikit adegan tangis2 an, tapi itu cman di flashback doang. Pendek sekali.

Dilihat dari cerita, ini biasa banget. Tapi justru karena itu gue bisa relate semua kejadian ke kehidupan gue sendiri. Gue bisa bilang 'gila, ini bisa banget terjadi di kejadian gua' Dialog nya biasa banget, dialog yg biasa kita alamin sehari hari. Orang2 yg kebiasa ntn film 'kelas tinggi' dengan dialog2 ber bobot bakal kecewa berat. Orang2 yg nggak biasa dengan omongan2 jorok dan kotor jg bakal tersinggung. Tapi justru ini yg bisa ngebikin gue terkesan banget. Kenapa? Karena emang ya sehari hari kejadian seperti ini yg bakal kita temuin.

Gue akuin, ada beberapa dialog yg kerasa dipaksa banget dalam konteks penggunaan bahasa inggris. Sepertinya emang nggak terlalu banyak orang Indonesia yg fluent ngomong bahasa inggris. Bukan masalah besar jg. Hey, gak ada salah nya orang buat ngecoba kan?

Dari segi pencahayaan dan pengambilan gambar gue bener2 terkesan. Ada beberapa adegan yg gue bilang udah advanced banget kalo dalam standar film indo. Adegan pas salah satu tokoh nya ngebayangin pemakaman dia di masa depan, terus adegan bayangan salah satu pemeran cw nya jalan2 pake baju pengantin, sambil pegang batu bata (I admit this is pretty unreal.. but hey, anything can happen in Jakarta right? After all it is our beloved 'Sin City' ^_^)

Soundtrack lagu2 nya jg bagus. ~vodka pasti nggak setuju sama pendapat gue yg satu ini =p (and it's okay!) salah satu lagunya, 'so special' - Oka feat. Sabria jadi salah satu lagu favorit gue akhir2 ini. Lagu pas adegan terakhir, dimana semua pemeran nya dansa di lantai ballroom kelapa gading sports club (GADING! WOOHOO!! -kampung mode on-) jg bagus banget.

Overall, emosi kita nggak terlalu diuji di film ini. Terus terang aja gue radaan capek denger tangisan2 meraung dari beberapa film indo yg gue tonton sebelon ini. Alur film masih tergolong lambat, tapi film indo mana sih yg nggak? Sembari gue ntn, ngerasa ada beberapa adegan yg bisa di trim sedikit dan gak akan mengganggu alur filem dan msg yg mau disampein sama adegan itu. But hey, what do I know right? It's not like that I have any choreography background or anything.

Kalo diliat2 juga, nggak ada pemeran2 nya yg bener2 special. Special dalam arti cakep ato cantik banget. Dilihat2 dari daftar pemeran, jg nggak keliatan nama2 besar yg biasa kelihatan.

Aneh ya? Mungkin sebenernya emang nggak mustahin buat ngebikin film bagus tanpa nama2 besar. Si Renny bilang salah satu produser nya lulusan anak SMUK 1. Sebelon nya gue jg pernah liat karya independen dari cahyadalamglap production, masih dari anak SMUK 1. Kayanya banyak yah lulusan SMUK 1 yg berbakat bikin film? =)

Jadi kesimpulan terakhir, alesan gue suka film ini sebenernya cukup simpel. Film ini gak maksa gue terlibat di konflik emosional yg dalem, tapi dari 'kedataran' nya itu justru bisa menimbulkan sesuatu yang nggak membosankan.


'ku seduh kasih sehalus sutera'

Monday, December 04, 2006


It's almost 5 in the morning, but I finally finished the challenge. This is the result:

~9% ROI. Not too bad. I bet I could do better given more time. I'm kinda pessimistic that it'd get me into top 3, but hey, at least I tried right? At least the factory's making some money.


I just emailed the report along with my peer eval with a note saying that I might not be coming to class today =p

This is one of the days that I can feel good about myself. To tell the truth, I almost gave up a couple of hours ago due to the factory losing money consistently. After 1 hour of ESPN and 2 box of Lovshack, somehow it all worked out.

I need sleep. Badly.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

are we there yet?

My head feels like exploding. I've been dealing with this problem since I woke up, and the answers are still nowhere to be found.

'How do you create the best efficiency?' is the question.

This is not a mandatory project. Students were given the option to submit the assignment, with bonuses awaiting if your system makes it to the top three.

I glanced over to the TV screen at the back of my head. Damn. Colts lost to the Tennessee Titans by last second field goal. So much for that.

I sighed. This is going nowhere. I decided to get some coffee, when I saw a half-filled Marlboro lights sitting on top of my cubical. 'What the hell', I thought. I took a piece and headed outside. The weather outside was just horrible. Freezing would be an understatement. I lighted my cigarette and took a couple of puffs. Much better. Some of you might be surprised by this fact, since I rarely smoke in the past.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't start smoking to look 'cool' or whatsoever. Actually, I've been playing hide-and seek with everybody, not wanting anyone to know about the fact. It's fine though. It's not like I'm creating some kind of dependencies with nicotine or anything. Just a little bit something to keep me sane.

As I finished my last puff, I started warming up my car. Damn it's cold. Seriously, sometimes I have to questioned how can people live under this kind of weather and have not gone crazy. Geez.

'One Peppermint Mocha, please' I said to the lady behind the counter. I started to look around the store. Everything was red and green. Christmas is coming. Ever thought that Christmas has lost is meaning recently? Look at all the commercials running on TV. eBay, jewelries, cars. All I can think about Christmas nowadays is angry moms pulling the last doll for her daughter in a packed department store, and confused fathers trying to get everything on his christmas list running around local malls. Have you watched Garmin's commercial on TV recently? If you had, you'll know exactly what I mean.

'One venti Peppermint Mocha, no whipped cream'. That's my order. I hate whipped cream. Not because it's fatty or anything, but it just spoils the taste of the coffee.

I took a sip from my cup. Blah. What the hell is this? I should've ordered my usual white mocha. I went back home anyway. One thing to learn from the trip: wear something other than shorts and sandals when the weather is this cold. Noted.

I got back to my room. The Giants are playing Cowboys. I continued my reading, while occasionally sipping on my coffee. Whoa, it's almost dark. How time flies when you have lots of things to do.

I hear the intro to 'Diatas Normal' playing on the background of my desktop.

"pikiranku tak dapat kumengerti
kaki di kepala, kepala dikaki
pikiranku, patutnya menyadari
siapa yg harus dan tak harus kucari
tetapi tak dapat.. ku mengerti"

I then remembered my previous encounter with one of my friend on MSN. Nothing important, just daily chit chats that frequently happened between us. She was telling me some stories about her boyfriend. Then I asked,

'You must love him so much, huh?'

She didn't respond immediately. But after a couple of minutes an orange flashing lights my conversation bar. I opened it.

'Of course, why shouldn't I?'
She replied.
'Haha, nvm. It was a stupid question anyway'
I added.

Then we talk some other things. But something never left my mind. It has been awhile hasn't it?' I never even thought about it. It feels like part of my heart are turning into stone.

Hatiku beku.

School. Work. Football. Those are really the only three things that have occupied my life in the past of few months. the 'L' word is nowhere to be found.

I reached for another cigarettes, but then I put it back. "My roommates' are gonna kill me if they found out I'm smoking inside the house." So I took some of my school notes from my bag, and start reading. Again.

Damn. I have to do this evaluation thing by tomorrow. I hope my teammates go easy on me, since this would be a huge part for the final grade.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Gibot just called. He was wondering if I want to watch Sunday Night Football at this place. I told him no way I can spare that much time tonight. I'll go tomorrow night instead for MNF.

What to do now? Hm. Cowboys just kicked a field goal with :01 second left. Two games decided by a field goal today. Whoop-de-do.

I browsed through my list of music in iTunes. Finally settled on 'Damai Mimpi', my mind started to wander elsewhere.

"ingin bersamamu menari
bernyanyi lagu damai mimpi
tersenyum nuranimu
harum nafasmu, mewangi,
hiasi mimpimu.."

I have neglected my guitar for quite a while. It must be out of tune. I remind myself to spare some time playing with it tonight.

I'm graduating exactly two weeks from now. How time flies. With no jobs on the line, I can't exactly say that I'm looking forward to it. I talked about many people, with different opinions regarding this graduation thing.

While I appreciate each and every one of their opinions, I can only agreed to a few. I finally decided that only I can control my own destiny. Meaning that I will make the decision solely based on my fully informed understandings.

'Totally don't know what it means, but I want it'

Why? Why? Haha. I just remembered this HDTV commercial starring Jessica Simpson. Ever wondered if she's really good at acting dumb, or she is just... well.. dumb?

A thought of skipping dinner occured to my mind. Don't really feel like eating with so much work to do. Hm. That might not be such a good idea.

lambaikan tanganmu from side do side
karena semua will be alright

then.. emmh... can't really comprehend what they're singing. 'Sunday Morning' from Soulid is now playing.

I suddenly remembered this 'project' I started with one of my friend from the beginning of the semester. I haven't touched it for a couple of months. Maybe I should look over it tonight when everything's wrapped up. I'm not gonna tell you guys (yes, four of you who have been reading this blog =p) what it is for now, but I promised that some of you might even want to get involved with this project ^^

As for now, I gotta get back to my reading.

Bye now.

Monday, November 27, 2006

dari luar saja...

Di suatu malam, di Extended Stay American hotel - West Madison...

tiba-tiba terdengar suara..

If you want to be a Badger,
Just come along with me,
By the bright shining light,
By the light of the moon;
If you want to be a Badger,
Just come along with me,
By the bright shining light of the moon.

belum kelar sang pelantun lagu menyanyi.. tiba2 terlihat beberapa orang saling berlirikan... dan tiba2 terdengar..

Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
All Hail To Our Old Gold And Black!
Hail, Hail To Old Purdue!
Our Friendship May She Never Lack.
Ever Grateful, Ever True,
Thus We Raise Our Song Anew; (Fire Up!)
Of The Days We've Spent With You,
All Hail Our Own Purdue!

Meredam suara sang pelantun 'If You Want to be a Badger' yg hanya bisa terdiam bengong tak berdaya...

heuheuehuhe.... ^^

Sunday, November 26, 2006

failure to finish

"Yakin nih gak mo ikut ke Purdue?"
"Nggak bisa, hari rabu gue ada exam"

- Jadi kalo nggak ada exam mau ikut? :p -

"The Boilermaker defense allowed 15 points and sophomore quarterback Curtis Painter threw two interceptions in the final six minutes, giving No. 25 Hawaii a 42-35 come-from-behind victory." -TheExponent-

Another failed comeback courtesy of our own Boilermakers :( Inability to finish close games really haunts this team. At least Painter's still a sophomore, giving him the 'still room for improvement' excuse.

Don't feel like writing much.
Overall, the demon from last year's thanksgiving wasn't fully exorcised, but I had a wonderful thanksgiving experience.

Started from the turkey dinner (with games courtesy of AAG), the Madison trip, late night card games, and USC beating Notre Dame.

Great. But not perfect.
Oh that's right.

Purdue 35 - Hawaii 42

Close, but to cigars.

"Sometimes it's good to invest your soul to something that you can't control"

It's not necessarily true, but it might be worth it in the case of Purdue football. You'll get an emotional joyride of your life. Need to be prepared for the broken heart though.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Better luck next year.... IU!

The bucket stays at Purdue!!! This game might not meant much for both of us, right? After all, both teams were unranked, and they play mediocre, if not terrible, football this year.


IU was 5-5 entering the game, and they needed to win to secure a Bowl bid. For those who unfamiliar with the term Bowl bid, that means post-season game. They have the rights to be selected (not guaranteed though) into one of the Bowl later at the end of year (or beginning of new year) with some prize money on the line. IU hasn't been to a Bowl game for God knows how long, and they're hoping to go this year.

Nice try, Loosiers!!!!!

The game was exciting in some way. Both teams committed turnovers a lot in the first half, it almost like a joke! Oh man, you just gotta be there.. it was a funfest.. the student sections were just having fun mocking IU and laughed their asses of as the result of some plays..

I screamed my heart out and almost lose my voice at the end of the game. The game wasn't pretty.. but it's football right? It's not supposed to be pretty.. there are no awards for 'style points' The most important fact is that we won the game, no matter how ugly it was..

Haha.. senior day, and my last game here for a while. I just can't help but thinking: 'Man, I'm so gonna miss this place.. the sight is just so beautiful' I have never felt closer to the student section before. I actually had some conversations with other students who're not my friends. We had a fun time mocking IU (BALL STATE'S BETTER!!! chant) and our own Curtis Painter (4 INT? WTF?) It was just a blast. A perfect ending to a not-so-perfect season.

But it's all worth it.
We denied IU's eligibility to a bowl game, and the bucket stays at Purdue, and we're goin bowlin this year!



Friday, November 17, 2006

Would you pay $24,000+ for PS3?

wow.. just wow..
and the auction's not not even done..
i'll post the winning auction later in the afternoon..

the ending bid was for $89,000,000.00
It came from a legitimate buyer with positive feedbacks..

The listing is not available anymore.. so I don't have any proof.. eBay or the original poster might have took it down... my assumption is that the bid was illegitimate...

it still sells for a lot tho... $5,000 - $10,000 a piece...

Thursday, November 16, 2006


mestinya bikin assignment.. tapi malas berat (ya jelas.. nongkrong depan tv gitu ya)

topik 1
besok saya ada interview sama US Bank. posisinya Strategic Marketing Analyst. kenapa saya bisa dapet? tak tau jg.. apakah saya bisa dapet? kita lihat saja.. hauhaua... basically ini mungkin interview trakhir gue on campus... udah nggak ada lg postingan di career center.. so I'm basically on my own after tomorrow.. heuhe.. tepat sebulan lagi neh sekolah.. it's officially gonna be the last days of my college life.. gak niat phd saya hahaha... (coming up: suka dan duka di purdue.. tapi ntar2 banget ya)

topik 2
salah satu goal gue semester ini gagal.. yaitu mo foto fountain.. jdnya foto pake shutter lambat... ntar gambarnya bisa bagussss banget.. kaya kapas gitu aernya.. tapi skarang udah dingin.. fountain dimana mana dimatiin.. lagi pengen experiment sama black & white.. tapi akhir2 cuaca amat sangat tidak bersahabat... mendung sepanjang hari!!!! jadi untuk sementara ngga ada foto2 dulu....

topik 3
hari sabtu.. Purdue vs IU. IU sucks!!! hauhauha... maap ye Lenn... =p game football trakhir nih... senior days... huhuhu... kangen deh ntar... :( nothing beat football saturdays in the autumn.. this is probably the most thing I'm gonna miss after I moved outta here... huhh.. moga2 menang deh... gak seru banget kalo game trakhir kalah.. bah..

topik 4

kmaren maen2 ke walmart.. ngeliat ps3 di display... mannn, it was definitely a beauty! sori yee... nerd alert. ahahha.... sampe ngeces kmaren gue di kaca display nya (gak dengg. jorok banget :s) $600 bucks tho... people are lining up in front of stores days ahead just just to get one.. gue berani jamin more than 90% who bought the system are not going to use it at home.. most of the systems are just gonna end up in ebay with abnormal prices... kmaren gue liat bid di ebay yg ngejual ps3 for $3500!!!! ok management people... that's almost 500% profit!!!!!! geez.. talking bout shortage.. ada ya yg mau beli system game 35 juta rupiah!!! halah halah.. kaya gini kok bisa ngeluh krisis ekonomi.... bah.. (sirik... biasa.... heueuhee)

topik 5
black in black friday has a new meaning for me.. i'm not going to rant what it's about, it's gonna be too long and painful to read.. let's just say that i despise black friday.. ga ada bangun2 subuh lagi buat shopping.. di tengah2 blizzard.. (kecuali kalo nitipp... soal beda itu hauahuahuha) benernya gue lagi butuh sesuatu sih.. gps.. they're gonna sell garmin c340 for $350 at circuit city... that's pretty cheap... jadi berharap saja demand buat gps ngga terlalu gede.. dan circuit city overstocked on that item... jadi gue bisa dapet tanpa mesti bangun pagi.. atoo.. nitip temen aja ahhhhhhhh... hauhauha... sapa sapa mo pegi? ^^

topik 6
lagi mo jual2 barang di ebay...
1. sepatu - ada yg mo beli gak ya? masi bagus gitu.. pake di indoor doang.. en sama sekali gak keliatan used..
2. lcd monitor - ada dua...
3. tripod - lebih satu..
4. game: final fantasy 7 buat pc
gak terlalu masalah sih harganya brapa.. cman pengen sedikit clear inventory aja.. sama nambah2 in rating di ebay.. gue baru sadar gue bisa nge save banyak banget dengan aktif di ebay.. hehehe... mental gue kadang kaya mental engko2 glodok ni.. jarang mo bayar kalo gak dapet harga murah... jadi pas dapet rasanya puassssss banget.. heuheue...

hm.. buat penutup saya kasih satu foto random ya.. sebentar2 cek dulu di memory card..

hmm.. gak ada yg menarik.. jadi ini dari kameranya gibot..

Monday, November 13, 2006

random topics...

lagi pengen nulis neh... haha... iseng2 aja dah lama nggak.... and I'll probably switch from english to indo in no specific manner.. tergantung apa yg kepikiran di otak aja... hehe...

topik 1:
I'm still pissed that ESPN decided not to show the Purdue - Hawaii game @ the 25th.. It's not like that we can attend the game without spending $600 for airfare and another $600 for accommodations. (gue research loh haha...) How cool is it to spend thanksgiving break at Hawaii? Imagine all your friends stuck at home doing projects, stuck in a blizzard and decided to go to Best Buy/ Circuit City early in the morning just to find out that they run out of everything.

Unfortunately, I might be one of those guys stuck in the blizzard this year. Still contemplating if I should join the mob at Best Buy/ Circuit City (Madison / West Laf? =p) Most probably I'm just gonna stay at home though. Man, I need a GPS badly, but I'll probably just gonna buy it at retail price. I'm officially DONE with black fridays.

topik 2
PS3 is finally released at Japan. check out to witness the craziness. Some guidance though:
1. Buy PS3 if you really like advance technological stuff. I really believe that it's gonna worth your time. I'm gonna buy it for Final Fantasy XIII :)
2. Buy Nintendo Wii if you're looking for a chick-magnet stuff. Remember GameCube with Mario Kart, Mario Party and Mario Tennis? Nuff' said.
3. I personally hate Xbox, so Xbox 360 never came into my mind. Microsoft's rich already. Besides, it focuses mostly on American games (Xbox is american) which is first person shooting games and free-roam games like GTA. Not my type...

I'll probably wait until the price of PS3 GREATLY reduced before buying. Gak turun2? ya gak beli....

You might want to consider Wii too... it's not ordinary console. Males ngejelasin.. liat disini aja ya.. The most interesting is that you might be able to do some physical exercise while playing this game.. Tertarik?

topik 3:
I'm in graduate school and I'm playing with LEGOs. How cool is that? Kelas gue yg Manufacturing Control and Manufacturing Planning kerjaan nya ya gitu. Ceritanya kita simulate factory. LEGO blocks nya itu materials. terus kita mesti buat suatu barang (which is lego blocks stacked) terus di test (ngetes nya pake 12 sided dice). The process includes assembling, processing (oven boongan gt... di timer) testing and scrapping (kalo dadu nya keluar 12, kita buang) 92% service level... not that good.. hehe..

Seru banget tapi... serunya soalnya mesti mikir berat gimana caranya nyiapin material sebelon mule production. The thing is, you can't just order unlimited amount of materials, since we got charged for unused inventory. Tapi kalo order nya terlalu sedikit, we wouldn't be able to satisfy demand, and we 'lose' money in this manner as well. tricky tricky..

Awal2 sih decide nya pake rumus... tapi terakhir2 kita malah decide intuitively hehe... gue jd inget pas intern di CST/Berger. gue sempet ngobrol2 sama production manager nya (which is a Krannert MBA graduate btw) terus gue dijelasin gmana cara mereka ngatur production. Basically they just tried a method that looks logical, and adjust the methods as the factory runs. Surprisingly, this method has worked pretty well.... (hey, they're still in business... that's pretty good right?)

topik 4
ini ada hubungan nya sama topik ke 3. kmaren di ada yg tanya ke gue -uhuk- jessica -uhuk- "elu kalo cari kerjaan ke perusahaan IE ato EE?" pas gue jawab: IE dia tanya lagi "loh.. company2 apa mau... kan elu IE nya cman master doang.. kenapa mereka nggak ngambil yg bachelor nya IE, terus master nya IE jg..." gue jawab: what's done is done.. haha.. nggak deng... jawaban gue adalah..... dalam 1.5 taon gue master di IE tuh gue udah belajar jaoh lebih banyak hal yg berguna dari 4 taon gue sekolah di EE. bukan nya gue jelek2 in EE, tapi emang fungsi dari kelas2 IE tuh bener2 applicable banget di real world. DASAR2 dari kelas2 ini lah yg diajarin di bachelor IE....

jd apa hubungan nya sama topik ke-3? ya udah keliatan kali ya... apa yg gue belajarin di kelas maenan LEGO itu bener2 dipake di CST/Berger, tempat company gue intern waktu itu........ emang sih.. kelas2 yg gue ambil itu kelas MBA semua... ada yg mirip di kelas2 IE.. tapi gue males ambil soalnya terlalu technical.. basically sama tapi tujuan nya...

Ini yg ngebuat yakin banget... misal nanti company gue bersedia sponsorin gue buat MBA, ato at least gue udah punya dana buat bayar sendiri... gue ambil tu gelar..

topik 5:
back to Purdue football... I just found out that Andy (Andy Tjo, bukan AndyJess) is gonna be back at Indy sometimes next year. I'm gonna ask him to buy us tickets for the Purdue - Notre Dame game next year!!!! =p huhu...

I'm so glad that we beat Illinois last week... ahh man.. we needed that so bad.. I hate Illinois.. I hate Chicago Bears.. I hate them for the same reason I hate IU and Notre Dame football...

Illinois doesn't deserve to have a football team. They even lost to I-AA team, and they're winless in Big Ten for god knows how long... they should've just disbanded the team for good...

Bears... senga2 banget orang nya... If you lose against the lowly Dolphins, and barely survived against Cardinals, you have no right to brag about ANYTHING!!! beat Colts and let's talk football....

topik... keberapa ya?
Wisconsin Badgers: being good at the wrong time. (~vodka jangan ge-er!!!!) It's a shame that BCS won't allow three teams from the same division in the BCS bowls. At this rate, Michigan and Ohio St wil represent the Big Ten in the BCS bowls, and Wisconsin have to settle for Capital One bowl (which is still pretty good). If it turns out that there are going to be a rematch of Ohio st vs Michigan in the National Championship, then the Badgers are definitely going to Rose Bowl, Pasadena!!! LA baby!!! gue ntn ah kalo Badgers beneran maen disana.. heuheuhe...... =p

I really believe that Wisconsin deserves to share the 3rd spot with USC. Yes, they're that good... even their backup QB is good.... :s Have you seen the size of P.J. Hill? masi freshman aja gede banget... gmana ntar senior.. huhuhu.....

Btw, the Purdue Wisconsin rivalry would have to be postponed until 2009. We don't meet again until then. Lucky Wisconsin.... hahaa canda deh linn... gile udah kalah masihh aja bisa nge-boast... =p

topik selanjutnya
bentar lagi lulus... couple interviews... couple of rejections... still no offers... apa gue cabut ke LA aja ya? gmana kawan2? ada saran?

kalo jawabnnya iya... mendingan gue cabut langsung kesana ato liat2 dulu cari tempat tinggal? terus mendingan gue naek pesawat apa setir? hauhauhauha... pusing nih gue... gmana ya... :s

udah dulu kali ye... kayanya mayan panjang jg gue nulis... behh.... gila2 an... dingin banget sih ya skarang...

ya dah saya mo ngapa2 in dulu..
stay warm guys..

Friday, November 03, 2006

nasi kuning + ayam panggang ^^

speaking of being realistic...

akhirnya kesampean jg buat nasi kuning sama ayam panggang... enak loh!! ^^


another broken season

Almost everyone will agree to this. Supporting a losing team is so much harder than a winning team. Especially when the team has big expectations riding on their back in the beginning of the season.

I think it's fairly safe to say that Purdue Boilermakers' football team is almost over. True, we might still be able to finish the season with a winning record and go to some medicre bowl at the end of the year. But, after last week 12-0 loss against Penn St, upcoming victories might not have much meaning. It was just horrible. I'm not going to post any pictures this week since, let's face it, there are NO worthy photos worth of display. I looked over the photos taken during the game, and it was just dreadful. Not the quality of the pictures, mind you, but you can almost feel the pain and agony that's facing this young football team.

As I walk through the gate after the game ends, I heard some students said that it was the worst game ever happening at the Ross Ade stadium. I couldn't agree more. 3 points in the last two matches? Guys, this is not soccer!!

The story is always the same.

2004: Purdue went to 5-0 then dropped the next 4 games. Some of my friends decided not to attend the next game, which is Ohio St (we won that game though, and it was quote nice since Ohio St was pretty good that year)

2005: Just plain horrible. Purdue finished 5-6. First losing season in 8 years (need to double check on this). Again, some chose not to attend, giving opportunities for some other people to go.

2006: Three of my friends decided not to show up for the Penn St game. Totally understandable. I mean, who can stand a losing team right? Especially after the beating by Wisconsin. I however, decided to go.

Then it occurs to my mind. Supporting a team is just the same as experiencing life. There's ups and downs. Some seasons have more ups than downs, and vice versa. Some people will experience it more at some period, and some people will not. Some people will experience glory at least once, some people will never during their entire lifespan.

And again, however you want your team to win, there's only so little you can do to help them. Same as in life, you just have to try to do the best you can, and let god do the rest.

I can go on and on about this matter, but I'm expecting a call from a company in approx. 8 minutes, so I'm just going to say one last thing.

Either it is supporting your favorite team, or in life,

.... don't be pessimistic, but be REALISTIC.

Have a good weekend.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

there we go...

defending the rock





that was that...
it was a really painful afternoon... one that I hope wouldn't experience again ever.

not that we lost, mind you.
but because we almost got beaten by ourself. the badgers almost literally ran all over us, and we helped them by committing suicide.

trust me. it's that bad.
congrats to the Badgers. I dedicate this thread to one of my friend (and greatest rival) who's a Badgers fan: ~vodka

Purdue Boilermakers 3 - Wisconsin Badgers 24


until we meet again next year...

p.s. janji capres nya kali ini terpenuhi ya? =p

Thursday, October 19, 2006

this is it..

the time has come...

yes.. it's Purdue VS Wisconsin!! hehe.. if it wasn't for the 2004 season this game might not be that important. just another annual meeting with one of the upper-end teams of the big ten conference.

just a quick recap:
it was homecoming at Purdue. we were ranked 5th, badgers were ranked 10th nationally. college gameday went to Purdue for the first time ever. all we needed was a win to sealed the perfect moment, a moment that should bump Purdue into the elite groups of NCAA football.

then it came... with about 3 minutes to go Orton ran play that somewhat looked like a naked bootleg to the right.. one of Wisconsin's linebackers tackled him, forcing Orton to fumbled the ball, that was returned for a touchdown. the booth reviewed the play, and the call stands. with a few seconds left on the clock, Jones missed the field goal sealing the win for Wisconsin.

I never hear the stadium more silence than that day... ever!

National Championship hope? gone.
Big Ten Championship hope? gone.
Orton as Heisman Trophy winner? gone.

Purdue went to lose the next 4 games and it was just really painful to watch the games. We DID win the game against Ohio St and Indiana, but none of those seems important at that time.

Pontiac used the fumble-return for touchdown play for the 'game changing performance' campaign they have. and guess what? it won!! congrats to wisconsin.. and purdue... i guess? ESPN used to play Orton's fumble so much that I had to switch the TV to another channel whenever that happens. it was just too painful too watch.

Now the situation is quite different. Wisconsin is ranked 21th nationally, and Purdue is unranked.

All the statistics and opinions favor Wisconsin over Purdue. I mean, who wouldn't? We're still struggling with our defense and Wisconsin is rolling with their big linemen and their freshman running back PJ Hill. I read in the news that PJ Hill was the fastest freshman ever to reach 1000 yards or something. (they and their silly statistics) the point is that they're good.

So, what will it be? will Purdue finally get over the most painful loss in the last couple of years, or they will go back to the drawing board and try to get another win next year (as much as last year's team tried to do.. and failed!).

Nonetheless, 21 is my favorite number ^^. and somehow I figured it's not really impossible to get a win this weekend.

I just hope even if we lose, the game won't be as painful as the one in 2004

enough football talks.. the weather doesn't support my plan to take some autumn color photographs this week, so I'll probably try again tomorrow or sometime in the weekend. Also hopefully the weather won't be too cold or cloudy during the game this saturday as I plan to take some football pics.

Monday, October 16, 2006

JC's bringin sexy back...

now this is how you play a piano..

Sunday, October 15, 2006


No pics this week since I didn't attend any football games. I'll probably take some outdoor photographs this week since the leaves are starting to show some autumn colors.

This is probably one of the stupidest think I did in the past few months. I failed to do the special registration the last time I went back to Indo. When I talked to the OPT counseler, she was confused because there was no FIN numbers on my I-94. I remembered after my undergraduate years I had the exact same problem and the forced me to do a 'special' special registration at the INS office in Indy. The room was guarded by a special agent, and he asked me if I possesed any guns. That was when I realized that it was a pretty serious matter.

The thing is, I did one during my winter '05 trip, but due to time constraints, I was unable to do one on my may trip.

Now even the counseler have no idea what to do.

I'm gonna be pretty pissed if they deported me because of this matter.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Weekend at Ohio St

minggu ini ceritanya gue (sama dua temen gue) ke ohio st neh.. kita ntn football ohio st vs bowling green...
hehe.. ceritanya kita sama2 football freak gitu.. terus pengen cobain gmana environment stadion2 laen.. tinggal 'big house' nya michingan neh yg gue pengen samperin buat daerah2 sini ^^

who's not happy when their team is 1st in the country?

you think he caught the ball?


keren banget si yg ini.. gue suka bgt..

whoopeee... lagi..

pengen cerita.. tapi ngantuk... hoahmm... ntar2 aja yee.... (kalo katanya ~vodka: janji capres =p)

ya maap laaaaa.... huhuhu..

Friday, October 06, 2006

Red River Shootout.. simulated?

ini video gak penting banget sii benernya... cman gue suka aja, soalnya play nya keren.. yg gak terlalu ngikutin football mungkin gak terlalu ngerti kali ya dmana kerennya...

Basically every year Texas and Oklahoma faces each other in 'Red River Shootout' at Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Yes, they play this game on a neutral ground. That's what making it quite special for the rivalry. This year the game would be played this weekend.

Jadi ya.. tadi gue iseng2 aja.. sekalian ngetest TV tuner & youtube..

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Next year baby... next year...

gue ada sedikit artikel tentang Notre Dame di sini.. ini kira2 mungkin bisa summarize sedikit pengalaman gue ari ini (sabtu) di South Bend.. ntar besok2 kalo gak (lagi) ngantuk.. gue ceritain sedikit... pokonya bener2 invaluable experience deh... ^^

"For a sports fan, visiting Notre Dame for a football weekend is like a pilgrimage, like going to Lourdes, or Jerusalem, or Mecca and Medina. You go there to be part of something bigger. To be a part of tradition. To be a part of history. But there's something more, something higher, involved. I can't quite explain it, even after being there. But when you're there, whether you're religious or not, I think you can feel it. Somehow, it all makes sense. You come away feeling good, no matter what happens in the game.

It's a beautiful thing."

Kieran Darcy

Next week: Ohio St vs Bowling Green (kalo jadi... jadi gak Bot?)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hail Purdue!

kenapa bisa ada sepatu? ceritanya bisa dibaca di sini

Thursday, September 21, 2006

thanks guys ^_^

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


tadi siang.. baru dapet email.. isinya sebagai berikut:

September 20, 2006

Ivan Yudhi
2101 Cumberland Ave # 5204 B
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906

Dear Ivan Yudhi,

Thank you for the time you spent interviewing for a possible position with (company name here), Inc. At this time, we have decided not to offer you employment. However, we will keep your application on file.

We appreciate your interest in (company name here) and wish you the best in your career pursuits.


(company name here) Human Resources

kesel... buat yg tau gue.. rejection's never easy for me.. jadi apa yg gue lakukan? gue print surat penolakan nya.. terus gue tempel tepat di tembok disamping gue.. jadi setiap ngeliat surat itu.. gue jd terpacu buat lebih rajin (blajar en cari kerja..)


komen2 yang cukup menyenangkan:

-gpp lah.. jdinya gak kerja 12 jem sehari
-emang elu mesti ke LA kali..
-sigh (ikut2 an sedih gitu... ^_^)
-cari tante2 gaul en tajir (nani???)
-cari anak usc/ucla tajir (naniiiii????????)

ada yg mo nambah? ^_^

Thursday, September 14, 2006


dinginnya malam...

nulis apa yah..
akhir2 ini.. kok pikiran gue kaya diselimutin sama kabut gitu.. gak bisa berpikir jernih... kreatifitas jadi mandek.. alhasil beberapa aktivitas yg mo dilakuin jd tidak terlaksana semua... yang ada juga setengah2 aja jadinya..

mesti fokus.. ditambah flu/batuk/sakit tenggorokan yang lewat seenak jidat tanpa diundang... lebih berat lagi buat konsen....

gue seneng deh baca artikel2 nya adhitya mulya.. (bisa diliat di sini) kadang menghibur.. kadang ngebuat lo mikir juga.. maklum abis nonton filem jomblo.. yg terus terang bisa dibilang cukup mengesankan.. lagu nya 'dewi malam' bagus banget.. sayang gak ketemu mp3 nya (yg punya.. boleh loh.. di bagi2 saya..) ini liriknya:

Dewi Malam - OST Jomblo

dewi malam
ku pinta seorang wanita pada pasir
dengan butirnya wajahmu terukir

ku pergi menghamba jawab pada air
didalamnya ku rasa hangatmu mengalir

kau datang dengan angin tak terasa
kau datang menghembus membelai muka
ku pinta bintang untuk berikan nama
ku dengar mereka sebut namamu

dewi malamku…

dewi malamku…

mengasihimu dan menyayangimu
aku rela pergi jauh ‘tuk itu semua
mencintaimu dan memilikimu
aku rela mati
rasakan itu semua

rasakan itu semua
karena kau dewi malamku

alhasil jg akhir2 ini banyak bgt waktu yg gue abisin di depan msn... kerasa sepi sekali.. walau berada di tempat keramaian.. baru ada seseorang yg bisa ngebuat gue nggak kerasa kesepian.. tapi gue tau gak bisa bergantung sama dia buat jangka panjang..

I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?

besok hari jumat... hari minggu ada seseorang yg bakal pergi dari sini.. seseorang yg gak akan baca blog ini.. yang akhir2 ini sudah amat sangat jauh dari kehidupan gue.. (dibandingkan paruh terakhir tahun 2004) tapi masih sanggup ngebuat gue ngerasa melo pas dia bilang bakal pegi minggu ini...

hmm... bulat sudah keputusan gue... januari 2007 gue NGGAK AKAN ada disini lagi... cukup sudah... 6 tahun bukan waktu yang singkat.. siapa yg nyangka kalo gue bakal ngelihat freshman2 yg umurnya enam tahun lebih muda dari gue dateng kesini..

fuck this place.. fuck chicago.. fuck midwest.... (maap yg tersinggung... digantti aja sama apa gituu... -beep- this place gitu heuheuhe... sekali lagi maap)

hmm.. jadi enak perasaan nya...
saatnya bobo?

dewi malamku.. dimanakah kau berada..?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

hembusan angin malam.....

udah mau jem tujuh pagi..... entah kenapa bukan nya malah makin ngantuk gue malah makin seger........ :s

airimba... haehh... mo ngirim gmail aja nggak bisa :s janjinya sih mo dipasangin router baru... terus dikasih proteksi... janjinyaaa.... bakal lebih cepet mule sabtu (hari ini dong?) udah pick up password... tinggal tunggu tanggal maen nya...

besok gak ke callout deh... emang udah nggak pengen sih dari awal.... mengganggu jadwal tidur sajah.... nitip ajah ya satu kalo ada fresh(wo)man yg menarik... hehe... canda deee...

eniwei... salah satu percakapan di malam hari yg gak terlalu penting... tapi cukup bisa buat gue tersenyum lebar.... :D

Ivan - losing my mind... says:
gak ada yg bisa goblok2 an lagi.....
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
mgkn bknnya goblok2 an
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
kan klo goblok itu saling yah artinya
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
yah gw sih ga ngerasa gw goblok gimana......
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
canda jenggo
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
kalo goblok beneran... itu goblok
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
klo uda kejadian nyata yah, lo uda keringetan bgt tuh
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
tapi kalo goblok2 an... itu kaya goblok.. tapi gak goblok
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
jadi intinya...
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
ok deh
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
ayam itu ayam
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
ayam2 an... itu bukan ayam
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
Ivan - losing my mind... says:
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
ok ok
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
klo gt
~vodKa ~ S.T.E.A.Z. says:
"jenggo!! main goblok - goblok an yuk!!!"


good morning semua.... hoahhhmm...

Monday, August 21, 2006


net's back on track!! (still waiting Lodge's wireless to function properly though)
expect some updates soon... :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

'kerjaan' saya di kantor...

kalo di itung2.. mungkin udah ada kali 700+ conv bolak balik.. berhubung di kedua kantor msn sudah tidak diperbolehkan... heuheuheuheuheue....

ada yg mo ikutan? :)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Will our soul trapped inside the power of fate?

First of all, this is not my opinion. Someone with the initial AAG requested me to translate her post, and I was willing to do it. The reason was that I found her writing interesting, and also to shape up my rusty English. So please do forgive me for any grammar or syntax mistakes found in the following translation ^_^ The original post can be read here

Alasan laen... kamera gue masih di cahya.. jadi blom bisa upload foto2 yg direquest saudara Kari.. huehuehuhe...

Will our soul trapped inside the power of fate?
The essence of my thoughts you're about to read today has not been influenced by another soul's
opinion. There must've many people thought about this matter already, but what you about to read
below was born from my own, honest opinion, staged by the night's dark, melancholic night.

Difficult. Was the word coming out of my mouth when I first read the question.
Silence. Was my spontaneous reaction before finally taking it deeper into my heart.
After taking some time to really absorb the essence of the question, my response was: 'Our soul is not incarnated with the power of fate'. First, I will interpret the true meaning of 'fate', according to my own, sincere opinion. Other people might disagree with this statement, but it shouldn't matter, since different people pursue different understandings.

Fate according to my interpretation may be described as the end of each of the series of events
happening from the individual's previous encounter, and not as the end of the whole scenario.
What's the difference, you asked? Take this example for a moment: French fries that was spilled while I was eating at McD. Was it fate or destiny, that I had to encounter such occurrence? The
answer is no, since such occurrence won't happened if I was a bit more careful during my action,
especially since such incidents were not rare in my past experience. (pengalaman pribadi lin?

This matter of opinion can also be elaborated to address the soulmate of an individual. My
definition of 'fate' includes series of steps that needs to be concluded before achieving the
real, final and definite 'fate'. Many people might disagree with this opinion. Allow me to
elaborate my understanding. Let's say that, hypothetically, I choose to end my relationship with my boyfriend tonight, (amit2 ya lin ^_^)I won't have the power to say that 'it is fate that ends
it all'. Why? Because the source of all the decision is that I was the one that made it so that
I'm not with him.

My interpretation of fate is different from from the definition of 'voice of the heart'. Some of
you might respond to my hypothetical situation by saying that because I chose to end my
relationship with my boyfriend, such situation concludes as my destiny. From my opinion, it was definitely not fate that ended my relationship with him, but a little voice from my heart was
the one that influence me to do such thing. I really believe that it was something that I hear
from God, being his decision to separate me from him, and not because of the work of fate.

This reminds me of someone's saying who believe that someone's soulmate is NOT in God's hand. (boy, this should be interesting ^_^) Again, let me explain this before proposing a judgement. Whenever a couple decided to put themselves in the holy matrimony, one of them needs to propose to the other person. This statement was clearly against the old saying that 'jodoh ga akan lari ke mana-mana' (soulmate will not hinder from you). I guess it's pretty obvious that the reason is that without proposal from one of the couple, there would not be such thing as marriage.

So, do you believe in Fate? or Do you believe in Magic?

by: AAG

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

renungan di malam yg ramai.. (komputer lab bo)

hm. sadar ga sih kalo ada lagu yg enak didengerin pelan2 -michael bubble, jamie cullum- sama ada lagu2 nya cman bisa enak kalo didengerin kenceng2 -banyak si yg ini- heuhee.. gak nap2 sih... lg kepikiran aja..

btw ini... kok ngupload foto langsung susah ya... failed terus.. padahal pake komp sekolah.. akhirnya pake cara nya Helen deh... hello. com heheheheh... thanks Len... :)

terus gue baru tau jg kalo foto di shrink bisa pixelated jg.. berhubung gue gak terlalu ngerti gmana editnya.. jadinya yg keliatan disini radaan fuzzy gituh.. aneh deh.. padahal gue buka di adobe segede2 dinosaurus gitu masi smooth2 aja....

mm.. masi perlu banyak belajar....

diliat2 yah.... :) di komen2... kritik2 jg... hohoho...

bisa maen beneran apa gaya doang neh...?

dah brapa bulan ca..? hauhau kasar bgt gue...

kar... gi mikirin paan karr....


a girl and her car and her balloon...^^

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

gara-gara bangun kepagian....

ya ampun.. gue baru tau kalo tompi sama vokalisnya bali lounge a.k.a teuku adi fitrian.. itu orang nya samaaa!!!!! pantesan.. pas ngedengerin.. ini kok mirip banget yaa...??? :s

buat detilnya bisa diliat disini

kepastian yang kutunggu....

makanya gue menang mulu maen capsa... (padahal waktu itu kalah mulu)

my mom's bday cake... (may20)

gak jadi canoeing kmaren =( jadinya post foto2 lama aja deh....

Monday, July 17, 2006

curahan akhir minggu...

mm.. ini blog harusnya buat foto2 ajah... tapi entah kenapa lagi pengen nulis nihh... buat selingan lah ya....

dah jem tiga pegi men.... lima jem lagi mesti bangun... enam jem lagi musti kerja men... tapi kok gak pengen bobo ya men... duh gara2 si anto neh gue ketularan ngasi akhiran 'men' ampir disetiap akhir kalimat... untung gak ketularan certain people yg ampir semua akhiran kalimat nya ada 'anjing' heuheuheue....

iyah nih.... lagi demen lagunya 'nidji' yang 'hapus aku' btw, info buat yg gak tau nidji... mereka ini tuh band indo yg akhir2 ini lagi beken di kalangan anak muda indonesia.... cie.. anak muda... kaya gue masih muda aja gituh...? =p eniwei... diantara balawan.. gigi.. dewa... tangga... samsons.. dan berbagai macam cd indo yang saya borong kmaren pas balek indo... muncullah si nidji.. (ayo ngitung sama2.,.. nidji.. loro.. telu... garing bgt gak sih :s) terus yah... mereka tuh mirip bgt sama coldplay dulu... yg model nyanyi nya diseret2 kaya orang mo matek.. tapi satu lg yg gue suka ini rada2 upbeat.. en lirik nya radaan nyes... jadinya gue suka... yg penasaran google aje yee..? gak susah kok dapet nya.... ini pertama kali denger gak suka gituh... apalagi awal2 dari sang peminjam (makasih yah topiq + reni) udah dibilangin kalo juelekkk banget.... tapi kadang enak jg ngedengerin... suka sesuai suasana hati gituh... bole laa...

terus yah... hmm.. kok jadi balek demen tenis lagi ya...? padahal dulu kalo latian angot2 an gitu.. kalo lagi demen ya pegi.. kalo lg males mesti diseret-seret dulu gituh.... asik tapi rasanya... soalnya yg laen maen nya pada niat juga... sebelom jem 12 malem teng pasti blom ada yg mo udahan.. heuheue.. (hence explaining my recurring insomnia... ceritanya jd hyper gituh... blom turun....) asik aja rasanya kalo bisa ngontrol kemana bola nya pegi... :)

another note... summer ini gue dapet satu orang temen yang mayan lucu.... (plok plok plok) line, kalo elu baca ini... iyehh yang gue maksud itu eluu... tapi jgn ge-er yeee!!!!!!!! awasss....!! heuheue... iyah ni.. dah lama gak ada temen untuk berbagi cela.... (cela... bukan celana... ati2 yah... bisa gawat kalo salah...) btw kalo lu baca ini sebelon selasa.... malem karaoke yuk? :) kalo elu baca ini sesudah selasa... moga2 sukses deh exam nya.. :) (baek kan gua..?) kalo lu gak baca ini... kok gak baca sih..?? baca dong!!!!! hihih... maap dah malem... and nggak!! gua gak lagi mabok!!!!

hadoh ini alamat si boss bakal jutek deh besok.... ni boss gue lucu deh, ketebak banget gt... kalo gue dateng tepat waktu.... pasti nyapa nya 'how's it going my friend? you doin allright?' dengan tampang berseri-seri... kalo gue telat.... pas gue nyapa.... pasti cman bilang 'hey.. watsup' terus langsung sbuk lagi dengan layar laptop nya' hiuhihi... ups..

adoh gue ngidem supermi.... mi sedaap enak ya? lebih enak dari supermi ato indomie... serpihan2 nya banyak gitu... ada yg kaya bawang goreng.. ada yg kacang... macem2 d... kreatip gitu... tapi kok disini gak dijual ya..? :s

mo pasang foto temen2 indo ku nih... gi kangen... hehe tapi internet nya lagi lambat banget... jadi males... terus mesti di crop sama compress dulu pake adobe... padahal lagi ngerun program pembajak buat nyolong filem2 dan game2 yg pastinya mayan makan banyak memori.... bisa2 lambat bgt komp gue.. besok sajah kali ya... aduh temen2 ku.... ada yg manis... ada yg jelek... tapi semua sama kedudukan nya... maksudnya jadinya kan ( manis + jelek ) / 2 = standar/sama gituh.... dilihat dari rumus (-x + x) / 2 = 0 masuk akal ga sih...? kok gue malah tambah garing sih.... aduhaduhaudh.... gak tau ah.. GILAA GUA BLOM NGANTUK!!!!!

aaa.. dah lama banget gak nulis blog... jadi gak brenti2 gini... mm.. btw.. i will visit anyone's blog... except all people that used to be on my old 'loop'.. i'm just gonna say that upfront hehe... alasan nya..? tanya aja sendiri sama orangnya... :) soo.. just drop me a line here... trus kasi jg alamat blog nya (i don't really think this is gonna work... but it's worth a shot eh?) ntar gue pisit2 balik... okeh?

this upcoming months should be interesting....
nge-raid fridge dulu ahhh....

Monday, July 10, 2006

last supper..

hasil gue racunin neh.. blom nonton orang nya... liat aja ntar reaksi nya gmana.. haha.. tapi gue gak boong kok... tungguin aja sampe kredit nya kelar.. ntar bakal ada extra scene... gak lengkap kan kalo gak liat...?

eniwei.. more pics...

yep.. these are my indo friends..

(this is the best i can do without using speedlight... baterenya abis :s..)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

just some random stuff....

pengen ganti blog nih.. yg biasa gue isi... udah... well, let's just say that i got bored from it.. why? it's a different story.. i guess.. btw, kalo mo pisit2 blog lama gue... ada di: sini

this is supposed to be a photoblog, so it's supposed to have some pictures innit eh?
well, these are some random pictures from last semester... last weekend before finals week..

our future qb.. curtis painter

rebutan terussss....

errr.. hahaha?

bretta.. kamu dimana sekarang :(

rekor men.. sejak gue pasang di avatar msn.. semua orang komen.. hehe

Saturday, July 08, 2006


kenangan masa lalu... ada yg tau gue yg mana?
-pictures were left raw to preserve the memories-


err.... apa yah? untitled aja deh.... =D

bosen gak sih orang mulu...?


lebah... gi ngapain ya doi?

ada yg tau ini bunga apa?


weits.. jangan tertipu dengan penampilannya.. GAK ENAK GAK ADA RASA!